Chapter 12: Songs

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"Just follow my lead," I told her.

I sat down on my bed and patted a spot for her to take. She sat down next to me.

"What are we gonna do?," she asked ever so innocently.

"Just scream," I told her.

"But wh-," interupted her sentence by smashing my like onto hers.

She seemed a little taken back by my actions but replied to the kiss. After a few more seconds after she joined the kiss, I moved to her neck and bit it so it was enough for her to scream in pain but not enough for her to bleed.

I immediately embraced her tightly and apologized a million times, while gently kissing the spot where I bit her.

"Ow, why did you do that for?," she pouted.

I pecked her lips again,"Minahae I didn't mean to hurt you."

"I'll get you ice cream before we go work on the songs k?"

"OKAY!!!~ Thank you Oppa~," she hummed.

I chuckled at her innocent self and ruffled her hair.

"Kaja?," I asked.

"Ok," she jumped off the bed and skipped over to the door.

I ruffled my hair a bit and followed her out with an arm around her shoulders.

The guys were giving shocked looks before we excited the door. I led her to the studio and asked for the ice cream flavor she wanted.

"Swirl please!!!~"

"You're such a child, Melissa," I told her.

She pouted and shoved me away. I chuckled as I headed out to get our ice creams.

Time skip

Melissa and I were finishing up our ice creams and the songs.

"Um... How about this?," she took my pencil out of my hand and wrote down a few lyrics.

"Yah! Stop stealing my pencil, there's plenty of them in that cup beside you!," I complained.

"Sharing is caring though," she fired back.


"And...done!," she said as she dropped my pencil that rolled onto the floor.

We both looked at it, then back at each other. Melissa just giggled and went to get the fallen pencil.

"So what do you think about it?," she asked me.

"Can you sing it to me?," I asked.

"Why can't you sing it yourself? You're the one who's gonna perform it," she replied.

"But you'll be able to hear me sing it then, I hear you sing it if I sing it now."

"Fine," I smiled as she took the piece of paper and started to sing the lyrics we work on together.

"Let me record it in the studio," I said to her.


"So I have some guide lines for the guys," I replied.

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