Chapter 9: Sweet Dreams

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I was strolling around a fan meet and greet of the newest boy group, Seventeen. I was in the line to meet Woozi/Jihoon. I started nearing the front of the line. I looked down at the items I brought for him. It was a little Winnie the pooh tsum tsum and a card that I made. I wrote a song I've been working on in the card. I've had the biggest crush on him ever since we first met.

The girls behind me kept talking and talking about how they're going to ask out Jihoon. It annoyed me how much they don't know that I've been a best friend of his before debut. The girl in front of me who was already talking to Jihoon asked if he could kiss her on the cheek. He leaned in and she swiftly turned her head so she was able to steal a kiss. My anger level was rising. I knew I had to stay calm.

It finally reached my turn to talk to Jihoon. I stepped forward with the same smile to the one when we first met.

"Hello," he greeted me.

My heart was pounding just by his voice.

"Hi... I got you this and I made the card," I said timidly while handing him the items.

"Oh wow, thanks," he replied.

He looked at the tsum tsum and smiled. He then opened up the card to read. His smile grew when he finished it.

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