Chapter 5: DoRm FiLlEd wItH bOyS

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We were all in the form getting ready for bed. Hoshi lend me an oversized t-shirt and some sweats. Josh lend Tiffany the same things. We were changing in one of the boys rooms. We made sure to lock the door before changing.

"So, this it totally not weird. Staying the night at soon to be Kpop Idols' dorm," Tiff said while putting her hair up into a top knot.

"Well we've been chatting with the group ever since we first met, plus they seem like good guys," I said while pulling up the sweats, securing them with the drawstring.

"But still, aren't you a little scared?"

"Nah, not really. If anything happens to us because of them, they might not let them debut," I reassured her.

I tied my hair up to a messy bun next to Tiff.

"Ok I'm trusting you. But if we die tonight, you owe me."

"How can I owe you if we're dead?"

"You know what I mean!," she stomped.

"Sure~, let's go!," I skipped towards her and linked our arms together as we headed out the door.

Tiff and I peeked our heads out. We heard tons of noises from the other rooms. We decided to make something to eat. As we tipped toed to the kitchen, there was a loud crash in one of the rooms, making us yelp.

Dino popped his head out from the room.

"Sorry if we scared you guys, Seungkwan and Vernon are fighting over our school project."

We both gave long "oh's" as Dino simply chuckled.

There was another loud smash from inside. We all jumped.

"Well got to go before someone dies in there! See you guys later!"

He rushed back inside, slamming the door shut. We both chuckled as we continued our journey to kitchen.

We found the living room which S.coups, Jeonghan, Jun, DK, Minghao were sitting around. Minghao and DK were playing chess on the floor. Jun had an arm around Minghao's while he was watching. S.coups and Jeonghan were watching t.v. on a two seater. S.coups had his arm around Jeonghan's waist and Jeonghan had his hair wrapped up in a towel. Tiffany and I giggled like school girls and continued to the kitchen.

Once we opened the door to see Mingyu, Wonwoo, and Joshua already in the kitchen. Mingyu and Wonwoo were working at the stove while Joshua was peacefully eating instant noodles.

"Oh, we were planning to make something for you guys...," Tiff started.

"Oh no its fine, you're our guests. We'll make you guys something. Plus I'm a great chef," Mingyu stated. He was wearing a "Kiss the Chef" apron. I snorted.

"Okay then, do you guys have any like popcorn, chips or some sort if snacks?" I asked as my stomach rumbled a bit.

"Josh can you show them where the food is since we're cooking?" Wonwoo asked as the two returned to make sure the food didn't burn.

"Ok," he got up and reached for a high shelf.

He brought down a family sized bag of lays original. I was squealing because they're my favorite chips. (Mostly bc of they're called "Lay" 😂)

"Thank you!!!~" I said.

"No prob. Just share with the other members."

"Do you honestly think we can't finish this ourselves?" Tiffany asked.

"Well we can bye and thanks again!!~" I quickly said and took Tiff's hand and ran out into the living room.

We plopped ourselves onto a couch and opened up the bag of chips.

"Yo, where did you get the chips?" I heard a voice from behind me.

I looked up to see Hoshi reaching from behind the couch. I laughed and held the bag in front of him.

"Thanks." He laughed and took a seat beside me.

I noticed that Joshua came into the living room when his hand was reaching for some chips. He was mostly talking with Tiffany though.

"So Melissa, how's it going so far for you?" Hoshi asked.

"My music career is doing o.k., but overall, I'm doing fine," I replied.

"That's nice," he smiled. It was really cute and contagious.

We started talking for awhile, while more members started to enter the room. During mid conversation I noticed Jihoon stand in front of me.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey, I don't have place to sit," I looked around to see the seats all taken.

"Oh, umm. You can take my seat and I'll sit on the floor."

"Oh no, its fine. I'll sit on the floor inst-," he started but I already was sitting on a pillow on the floor.

"Its fine, I don't really care where I sit down. As long as I can sit down," I looked up at him.

He sighed and sat on the couch behind me. I was still munching on the chips that were still in my posseion, soon my back got tired from perfect posture the entire day so I started to slouch. My back grazed Jihoon's legs a few times which I apologized for and leaned forward.

"No its fine, I don't mind you laying back ," he said.


"Yes I don't really mind," he gave me a reassuring smile as I leaned back.

To be honest it was a lot more comfier than breaking my back from slouching. We were just watching a movie that popped up when Mingyu and Wonwoo called us for dinner.

---------Time skip------

We were all stuffed from the meal Mingyu and Wonwoo made for us. It was homemade fried chicken with rice and kimchi. It was really good, better than what we had for lunch. Instead of me sitting on the floor, I was laying down on Hoshi and Jihoon's laps since they insisted. My legs were hanging over the couch's arm rest, my torso was on Hoshi, while Jihoon was playing with my hair. Hoshi was making sure I don't fall.

Someone put on a random movie. I don't know what it was called because I didn't hear it due to the fact that the other 12 members were all talking. It was ok as I started to feel my eyelids become heavy. Jihoon was petting y head which wasn't helping my tiredness. I yawned a few times. I soon passed out halfway through the movie.

Once your tired ass wakes up

I awoke to a bright light shining in my face. I groaned as I wanted to sleep in more. I noticed a body of a guy facing away from me on the other side of the bed. I screamed for my life.

(A\N: hello!!~ sorry if this chapter isn't that great, I've sorta haven't being myself lately. Idk it might b puberty getting the best of my head rn. I really hope this wasn't that bad, but I'll try to better in the next chapters. I promise rn that this will b my first story that'll I'll complete. ( ^∇^) k that's all, Bai!!!~)

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