Chapter 8: Ice Cream and Chill

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"It was hella fun!"

Woozi and I were talking while working on the songs.

"Oh cool...," is all he replied while facing the computer.

"She was really cute trying to figure out the ice skates, I had to hold onto her a few times so she won't fall. To be honest I was really surprised that she actually paid for our dinned," I ranted to a non listening Woozi.

"Hmm?" he spun around in his chair to face me.

"You done yet?," he asked.

"Almost," I replied.

"We're supposed to debut like next month, hurry up with those songs so we can work on the choreography," he scolded at me.

"Relax, I already have been working on some moves."

"Ok but it'll be better if we finish early so we can rest, I've been up for like three days already," he groaned and faced his computer again.

I turned to face the song I was composing in front of me. I couldn't think straight. Melissa keeps popping up.


Why does Melissa keep popping up? I asked myself. Am I jealous of Hoshi taking her out? Maybe...

I tried shaking off that thought and continued my work.

"Hey Woozi, I'm going to the park for inspiration," I looked up at Hoshi, who was at the door already.

"Okay," I replied then looked back to my computer screen.

I heard him leave. I put on my headphones to listen to the track. It was fine, but it needed something more. My phone lit up, I picked it up to see a message from Melissa.


Melissa 😻: hey~~~ r u busy rn?

Me: sorta, wdyw?

Melissa 😻: oh, I was just asking if u want to get ice cream? Tiffany left for class today

Me: oh, um... sure

Me: u don't have class yet?

Melissa 😻: no, I start next month.

Melissa 😻: Tiff's class just starts a month before everyone else's since she's in all Honors

Me: oh, what about u?

Melissa 😻: I'm not smart enough for all honors, I only have a few

Me: oh so I'll pick u up in like 5 min?

Melissa 😻: sure

Me: ok see u in a bit

Melissa 😻: k, bye

Me: bye


I got off my phone. I looked at my almost finished song and saved it. I turned off my monitors and computer. I grabbed a sweatshirt and headed out.

I knocked on the door of the address Melissa texted me. She didn't live too far from the building. In a few seconds the door opened and Melissa's head popped out, making me chuckle.

"Oh you're finally here!," she exclaimed.

"What do you mean by "finally?" Its only been a few minutes since we texted," I asked while entering the apartment.

"Well you took forever to get here, so I already bought a tub of Cookies and Cream ice cream," Melissa smiled.

She jumped onto the couch that was in front of a t.v. She patted a spot for me to sit down. I took a seat next to her as she took the ice cream tub from the coffee table in front of us and two spoons.

"Hold this please," she said while shoving the items into my hands.

I laughed as she got up in the most bizzared way to get the t.v. remote. She jumped back onto the couch next to me and turned on the t.v. to a comedy movie.

I opened the container of ice cream and handed her the other spoon.

"Yum!~," Melissa hummed while eating the ice cream from the carton.

To be honest, it would gross me out if the guys did this but when Melissa is doing this, its totally adorable.

She looked at me with cheeks full of ice cream,"You know you can have some."

I laughed and took a spoon full of ice cream.

Time skip bc I'm lazy

We finished the ice cream Melissa bought and about 3 movies. Melissa was resting her head on my shoulder. I can tell she was trying to stay awake as I sometimes felt more weight on my shoulder. We're halfway through our fourth movie and I can hear light snores coming from Melissa.

I looked at her peacefully sleeping.

"Hey Melissa, you tired?" I asked her.


I chuckled lightly. I decided to turn off the t.v. I carefully laid Melissa down on one of the couch's pillows and got up to throw away the ice cream carton. I walked back to Melissa who was peacefully knocked out on the couch. I heard the door unlock and open. Tiffany entered and threw down her bag. Her eyes widen when she saw me.

"What are you doing here???" she whisper yelled after finding the fact that Melissa is asleep.

"Melissa invited me over, she sorta fell asleep though," I replied calmly.


"I'm guess I'll get going," I said and started to walk towards the door.

"You can't drive at this time, its like past 11," Tiffany warned.

"You can spend the night here, you can share the room with Melissa. (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" Tiffany offered.


"Or you can take Melissa to her room and you can take the couch!" Tiffany said.

"I'll do the second one," I replied.

"Ok, I'm going to bed now, good luck with carrying her and good night!," and with that, Tiffany went to her room.

I looked over at Melissa who was peacefully sleeping. I sighed. She still looked beautiful in her sleep.


I manage to pick her up in the bridal style and walked over to her room. I carefully placed her in her bed and pulled up her covers. I sat down beside her sleeping form, brushing away strands of hair that was on her face. I was admiring her every detail, slowly falling for her even more. She grabbed a heart shaped pillow and turned onto her side. Her eyes were still closed, but were closed a bit too tight. She then started sleep talking.



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