Chapter 11: (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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"I guess so we are," I answered Jeonghan's guestion.

"Cool," he replied.

I started finishing up my breakfast so Jihoon and I could work on songs together. I finished my bowl and placed it in the sink. I was going to wash it if only Jeonghan didn't scooted me out of the way.

"Um... I was going to wash my own plates," I told him.

"Nah, its ok. You're our guest so you don't have to," he said.

"But then if you do it for me, I just feel guilty," I replied

"There's no need to Melissa, you can go join the others," he simply said.

I sighed and walked over to the door. It swung open when I got to it though.

"Leave me alone guys!," Jihoon yelled in annoyance.

His expression changed once his eyes met my frightened ones.

"Oh, minahae," he apologized to me.

"Its ok," I said.

He moved closer to me and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Remember what I said Woozi!!!," Jeonghan yelled.

"I know hyung, and I will," he replied to his hyung.

I looked between both men if I could see what's up. Jihoon slung his arm around my shoulders and we walked back out. The other members seemed to go back to other things and were scattered around the house.

Jihoon took my hand and guided me around to I believe his room. He pushed me inside and closed the door quickly. I was confused by his actions as I turned around to face him.

"What are we doing here?," I asked.

"Well I need to changed into new clothes," he simply said while picking out an outfit from his drawers.

"But why did you bring me along? I could've waited in the kitchen with Jeonghan or in the living room."

"Well if I left you alone with my other members, they would ambush you and I would never see you again," he stated.

I stared at him still choosing his clothes and blinked a few times.

"Plus you could help me choose something if I brought you here," he continued.


"Ne jagiya," he replied.

A smile spread across my face as I skipped over to him. I spotted a pink sweatshirt as a smirk appeared on my face.

"Here!!!," I said holding out the pink sweatshirt.

"How do I even own this?," he laughed.

"Come on!!! You'll be cute!!!~," I squealled.

"Jagiya! I'm not cute, I'm manly!," he complained while laughing still.

"Ha! And I'm sexy, come on. Please???~," I begged with puppy eyes.

"Fine, only for you, I'll be cute," he said and ruffled my hair before placing a kiss on my head.

He walked over to his walk in closet and closed the door. I thanked him internally for that. I walked around his room, playing with some stuff he had.

I giggled when I saw a line of stuff animals along his keyboard. I took he little pink teddy bear and hugged it. I placed it back and continued walking around. I heard a beeping sound that was coming from the his counter. It was his phone. I walked over to it and took a peek at what was happening.

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