Chapter 17: We are Seventeen

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(Because I don't know how to count my own chapters. I already fixed the chapter numbers btw, it was bugging me.)

Melissa and I decided to watch some movies for a bit. Although, she did fells asleep on my shoulder halfway through the first movie.

I looked down at her and smiled. I kissed her hair. I then tried to lay her down so that she can sleep better. After turning off the t.v. I also got into the bed to rest.

Before I sat down on the bed, I heard some footsteps outside my door.

I walked over and cracked the door a bit open. It was the others.

I quietly crept out, trying not to wake Melissa.

"Hey guys," I quietly said.

They all turned to face me. Soon it was a chaos.

"Guys!!! Melissa is asleep!!!," I yelled angrily at them.

They all fell silent.

"I went to look for her after realizing she wasn't at the stadium anymore," I tried to say calmly.

They all nodded. I then noticed that Joshua, Mingyu, and Jeonghan weren't in the group.

"Joshua, Mingyu, and Jeonghan accompanied the other girls home," S.coups said as if reading my mind.

I slowly nodded. We all said our goodnights before going to do our own activities.

I quietly crept back into my room. Melissa seemed not the least bugged in her sleep. I made my way into the bed. I laid down facing her soft face. I found myself gently caressing the side of her face, after moving a strand of hair.

"I love you," I sincerely said before closing my eyes.


"I love you."

Jihoon cooed to me. A small smile found its way to my lips.

"I love you too," I smiled back to him.

"I can ask if you can join us?," he asked me while his grip on my hands tightened and loosened.

"Its fine Oppa~," I hummed.

"Are you sure?," he questioned for the thousandth time today.

"I just want you to be happy Oppa~," I cooed to a stressed out Jihoon.

"But I want you to be happy too," he faced me again and took my hands into his.

"I'm already happy that I got to be with you and be your first," I replied with a warm smile to him, even though my heart hurt like hell.

"Jagiya-," he panically said.

"Woozi hurry up!!!," his manger called out to him as he stuffed the other 12 boys into their van.

Jihoon looked back at me with worried and sad eyes. A tear slowly escaped his eye.

I quickly wiped it away and pulled Jihoon into a nice loving kiss. He pulled away. Tears seemed to fall a bit more quickly.

"I promise I'll never love anyone as much as I did for you," he told me sincerely.

I took a deep breath,"And I promise that I'll never love a guy as much as I did for you."

He pecked me one last time before he hurriedly made his way to the bus.

I walked back over to Tiff, Syl, Samantha, Kelly, and Lucy. We all started waving at the bus that started to disappear.

We all said our goodbye to each other and headed for our apartments.

Once Tiff and I made it back our apartments, we both started crying into each other's arms. They both were our true first loves and it pained us so much that they left us.

"We'll be fine," I sniffed while trying to comfort Tiffany and myself.

"Yeah," she said back.

"Let's focus on ourselves for now on, okay?," Tiffany tried to brighten our moods.

"That sounds like a plan," I agreed.

We planned to have a little girl night for just the two of us. We went out to buy items we thought will be needed.

Once we got back to our apartments, we started fixing things so we can chill ok the couch. I placed down the sushi I made Tiff buy for us on the coffee table along with 5 of the 20 tubs of ice cream we bought. Tiffany went to get tons of pillows and blankets with some movies to watch.

I looked through the cabinets for any beauty products we own.

I came back to the living room with a basket full of facial products we could try.

We both cleaned up before starting our little "date night."

We were laughing to a comedy with our face masks on, while stuffing ourselves with cookie dough ice cream.

We decided to watch the regular TV programs they had while we were munching on ice cream.

I was glad that Tiffany and I were able to do this together. Its been a while since we last hung out. Mostly because of our school work and the boys were taking up most of our time (and money).

Speaking of the boys, its been 6 hours since they last left. Yet Tiffany and I were too caught up in a pillow fight to remember to call them.

We also left our phones in our bedrooms since they died from the countless of videos and pictures we took earlier that day.

"Yah! I'm tired~," Tiff sung as she plopped down onto the couch.

"Same," I dropped down next to her.

I grabbed about twenty pillows and hugged them all while Tiff searched through the t.v to see what's good.

I went to go get another ice cream tub and more popcorn since we devoured the ice cream in less than 5 minutes without brain freezes, and the previous bowl of popcorn ended up knocked down from our pillow fight. I have no regrets.

I soon heard a loud scream from the living room. I guess she saw a spider or bug searching for food in our mess.  I grabbed the bowls of food before returning to the living room.

I placed the things down before getting myself situated in front of the t.v.

I finally looked up and gasped.

"Anneyonghasseo, We are Seventeen!!!"

(A/N: Yay!!! Finally got another chapter out. I'm hoping I could get another story that I'm working on out soon. I hope u guys would like it too. But I've been really busy lately and I only have time right before I go to sleep. Plus, I've had writer's block for a bit. I'm trying my best to keep up with everything. My rant is over now. K bye!!!!~~~~~)

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