Movie night

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"What?" Jonathan sat up. Which ended in the position of you sitting on his lap while he looked at you like a deranged man.

"I met up with Sebastian. He's coming over in about an hour and a half." You spoke slowly and sarcasticly.

"Oh." He relaxed and looked at you. "Sorry Y/N I thought you said bashing in. So naturally I assumed you killed someone." He chuckled and pulled you in for another kiss.

You dodged him and jumped up. It's time for a little fun. "If you wanna kiss me you have to catch me." And with that you ran out of the room and hid behind the kitchen counter.

He came out of the room ans was looking around with a strange look on his face. You snuck around the side of the counter as he walked around the opposite side.

You tried to smother your laughter but he heard it anyway. His head jerked in the direction you were hiding and he jumped over the counter.

This was the one chance you had to sprint to the couch. Which you did but, Jonathan was fast and he tackled you onto the couch.

You landed on your back with him on top of you. Just as your lips were about to touch his your front door opened. Instead of getting off of each other you and Jonathan both turned your heads toward the door. In walked Sebastian looking around weirdly until he spotted you two on the couch.

"Why hello Sebastian..." you trailed off as you pushed Jonathan off of you and hopped off of the couch. "Jonathan this is Sebastian. Sebastian, Jonathan." They just looked at each other in this weird guy way.

Sebastian broke the awkward silence first. "I found the place pretty easily so I just figured I'd come on up." He rubbed the back of his neck a sign you had known of his that showed nervousness.

"It's fine I was actually going to come and get you in a few minutes." You stood up and walked into the kitchen. "Do you want anything? I have some juice and ... actually there's a beer in here if you want it."

"I'm fine with juice thank you." He took a seat on the leather armchair and he was fiddling with the button on his brown jacket.

Jonathan had gotten up in the midst of this and went to the bathroom. He came into the kitchen and moment layer with a solemn look on his face.

"What's wrong?" You asked him as you poured the juice (whatever your favorite juice is) into two glasses.

"I have to go Y/N. I wish I could stay to be with you and Sebastian but my dad called. I'll be back in the morning though." He pulled his leather jacket on and kissed you. You nearly dropped the juice but somehow managed to hold onto it as you kissed him back.

When you to finally broke away he smiled and left saying a short goodbye to Sebastian. And then he was gone.

You took the glasses of juice into the living room and handed one to Sebastian before you sat down on the couch. "So ... you wanna watch a movie?"


You two ended up watching some old movie where some girl met a guy and fell in love. Blah blah blah. Once it was over and the popcorn bowl was empty you two started talking. Like in depth talking that you wouldn't want anyone to hear.

"So, your parents were attacked by demons? And you've been here ever since?" Sebastian asked you with wide eyes full of concern.

"Yeah. But it's not so bad. I've completed my training and recently I learned new things about myself." You said as you fiddled with your amulet.

"Like what?"

For a moment you thought about lying to him. What if he tells the clave? Was your first thought but then you thought about the things he had told you. Things about his past. The hilarious story of his embarrassing first kiss and others.

"I recently found out that I have ... certain powers. That other shadowhunters don't. And it's becuase of my father." You sighed. "What I am about to tell you can never leave this room Bastian. Ok?"

"Yes Y/N you can trust me." And you knew that was true. Sebastian is going to be in your life from now on and forever. So you have to trust him.

"OK." You took a deep breath, Here goes nothing. " my father that you know, wasn't my real father. My actual birth father is a greater demon.  He tricked my mother into sleeping with him but disguising as a human. Then he left her. After I was born they discovered my powers and made me drink some potion that would hide my powers from everyone. Including me. But since I hadn't drank that potion in a while my powers emerged. That's why my parents lived in the middle of nowhere most of my life."

"What do you mean by powers Y/N? Like a warlock?" His curiosity burned in his eyes. (That pun though :D)

"No I just have one power. Not the many that warlocks have." To show him you held out the palm of your hand. "Do you want to see?"

"Yes." He stared at your hand with wonder as he waited.

With a simple thought your hand lit up in a ball of flames. This cause Sebastian to jump backwards but he never stopped staring.

"Wow... how do you do that?"

"It's just a part of me. When I first discovered it I couldn't control it. My fire just exploded out of me everytime I was angry. But when I spoke to Canicus-"

"You spoke to the greater demon?!?" Sebastian's shocked voice cut you off. "He could have killed you Y/N."

"It's not like that Sebastian. He came to me in a dream. And he didn't want to hurt me at all. He understands that he was wrong. And he doesn't hate me even though I'm a shadowhunter. He actually wants a relationship with me." You continued to play with the jewel on your amulet as you spoke. "But I don't care about that. Now let me finish. Canicus gave me an amulet that helps me control my fire. And it works." The flame in your hand died into nothing.

"OK I can live with that. Is it the amulet around your neck?" He reached out to touch it and it burned his finger. "Ouch! Why did it do that?"

"Anyone who touches it burns their hands. It controls the fire within me and I can't take it off. Not that I would want to but I physically can't." You dropped your hand into your lap and looked up at Sebastian. "You are my best friend Sebastian and now that you truly know every thing about me. Please don't leave."

He pulled you into a hug, careful not to touch your amulet. "I won't Y/N. I promise."

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