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Sorry for the really late update I have had school and other things. Anyone else hate the new update on how you make stories???

The house in front of you wasn't exactly as you expected but it was simple. A small one story house just on the outskirts of town.

Deep breath Y/N.

You went up to the door and grabbed the door knocker. Just before you brought it down to knock the door was yanked open. And you (still holding the door knocker) fell onto the floor that was just in front of the door.

"What the?" A male voice above you said. "Who are you?" You looked up from the floor you were on to find a guy with the same jet black hair you remembered he was obviously taller and more built from training but, the same Sebastian.

You jumped up and straightened your clothes which consisted of ripped skinny jeans and a brown leather jacket over a white flowy tank top.

"I'm sorry I was ... uh never mind. Are you Sebastian?" Your cheeks flamed red. Not your literal flames but you know.

"Yes I am. Who's asking?" He tried to seem tough but anyone could tell that he was a very nice guy.

"Well I'm Y/N. We grew up together." You fiddled with the gem on your amulet as you waited for his answer.

"Prove it." He leaned up against the door frame as he looked you from head to toe.

"OK well we grew up in this really small town outside of the city. You moved away when I was little. Oh! In my room I had runes carved around my window seat." You hoped that was enough information.

"Hmm well I do need one more thing from you." His face showed every sign there was for suspicion. "Where the hell have you been all of these years?" His face broke into a smile and he pulled you into a hug.

You smiled against his shoulder and hugged him back. It's been forever since you've seen him. And we all know how you haven't had many friends since.

"My mom isn't here. She's on mission with the clave and won't be back for a week or so." You walked inside the house. It wasn't extravagantly decorated. It was more homey. The entry was a living room with a long brown couch and then a short brown love seat. There was also a TV. But other than that there were just family pictures and a knitted quilt on the back of the couch. "Take a seat Y/N we have some catching up to do." He turned and walked through a door the must've led to a kitchen becuase once you sat down he walked back in with two glasses of tea.

"Thank you." You took a sip of the tea. It was just right. Not too much or too little sugar, and set it on the coffee table. "So what do you want to know?"

"I just want to know where you've been hiding since your parents ..... you know. My mom kept in touch with them before the -uh ... accident." He stumbled through the parts about my parents death.

"Yeah I know that much." You nodded. "I've been actually living in an apartment here in Paris. Going on shadowhunter missions. The usual. But a few days ago I went back to my house and I found a picture of you and me," You pulled the picture up on your phone and showed it to him "it brought up memories and I just thought it would be great if we reconnected."

"It would Y/N, how about we get to know each other, again." He smiled the biggest smile ever at you. His teeth pretty much gleamed.

"I would love that." You smiled what you hoped was a big enough smile back at him. "I have to go now. But how about you come over to my apartment later and we can watch a movie." You took out a pen and a small piece of paper and scribbled down your address, then handed it out to him.

He took it and looked at it. The look on his face was not one of happiness any more but one of nervousness. "If you don't trust me Bastian I understand." You used the adorable childhood nick name you remembered.

"It's not that Y/N it's just that I have no idea where this is." He chuckled at the end of his sentence. "I may have lived here for a while but I haven't been everywhere."

Laughter poured out of you. "Alright, how about you meet me at this coffee place right near the eiffel tower. My apartment is a few blocks away from there." You wrote down the name of the coffee place and handed it to him. "If you can find your way to my place before then, be my guest but if not I'll meet you there at eight."

You turned around and left with a goodbye to Sebastian and walked out of the door. Once you made it a few miles away you found a small park. No one was here except a few squirrels.

You took a seat on one of the swings. And thought to yourself. That wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be.

That swing comforted you for a few more minutes before you got up and made your way back to your apartment. By the time you got back it was 5:30. You have to meet Sebastian in less than three hours. So obviously it's nap time.

You unlocked the door and walked in, throwing your keys on the table as usual, and walked back to your room.

You found your good friend Jonathan sleeping in your bed.

This is gonna be good.

You took quick but quiet steps to the other side of your bed. The one where he slept.

Just as you were about to jump on top of him he grabbed your arm and pulled you onto the bed.

"Awww no fair Jonathan." You pouted. He took this as a sign to kiss you. Which everyone knows it was.

You relaxed into the kiss, the day had been long and you really needed this.

But all too soon the kiss was broken. You two just looked at each other. "What did you do today?" He asked in his very sexy sleepy voice.

"I went to meet Sebastian." Those words were all it took for Jonathan to freeze.

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