The Day

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The sun came up a few hours later. You and Jonathan were on your couch in pajamas watching some French soap opera. And laughing everytime someone was slapped or they had an argument.

This old woman was screaming at a little girl because she took a lollipop from the drawer without asking. That's about as far as you understood in french.

Jonathan chuckled beside you and kissed your forehead. "You look so confused Y/N. Don't you understand french? "

"I do but Im not exceptionally fluent." You admitted. "Anyway what are your plans for the day?"

"I don't have any. Is there anything you want to do today? The only thing I absolutely have to do today can wait till later." He spoke the last part quickly.

"What do you 'absolutely have to do' today? " you raised your eyebrows at him as a small sensation of suspicion rose in your gut.

He stared you straight in the eyes. "Nothing really important I just have to meet Ramad to repay him for the fire proof spell." You both laughed at that remembering the fun that fireproof spell allowed you to have.

"Well he definitely needs a special thanks." You pecked him on the lips. Looking over at the clock on your stove you noticed that it was twelve o'clock. "Let's go get dressed and do something."

"Like what Y/N? "

"I don't know anything. We are shadowhunters.  I'm part demon. We could have some wicked adventures but we have to be back by eight because I have to meet Sebastian."

He smiled at you. "Alright. Go get dressed. I have some clothes in my bag."

You hopped up off of the couch and walked back to your room. Which was a complete mess. In this past week you haven't been here long enough to clean it.

"Oh well." You thought out loud. You pranced over to your closet and pulled on some really ripped skinny jeans. They were light colored denim so you just wore a white tshirt. Slipped on your brown ankle boots and you we're ready to go.

Jonathan had changed out of his pajamas and into just normal shadowhunter gear. No matter what he is in he still looks hot.

You strutted over to Jonathan,  looking like a mentally disturbed runway model. Slipping your hand in his you left your apartment and started walking towards the Eiffel tower. In reality,  there was no where specific you needed to be today. Wanting to be was a completely different story. You wanted to be with Jonathan today. Simple as that.

The two of you walked a few blocks away to the Eiffel tower. It's amazing in the day light. The all tower stretching above you all the way to the sky. But it was more prominent at night. With the lights glittering from all corners.

Today was going to be a day that you spend with Jonathan. It's not like you two usually spend everyday together so today you would. That is until he has to go repay Ramad.

Since it was the lunch hour there we're people bustling around everywhere getting lunch, speaking on cell phones, or just walking around. You took Jonathans hand in yours and made your way through all of these people. There was a small secluded park behind some trees, the perfect spot for a picnic.

Jonathan didn't know it but you had something up your sleeve.

"What are we doing here Y/N?" Jonathan perched himself on a swing and looked at you with curiosity.

"You'll see." You winked at him and ran over to the trees. There you pulled out the picnic basket you had hidden there just this morning. It had been enchanted so that no animals could get into it. The basket and you made your way back over to a very confused Jonathan.

You later the picnic blanket down a d then set out the food. "Surprise." You smiled to Jonathan and he smiled back. He pulled you into his arms and kissed you.

The two of you had your picnic and you we're there until about seven. Which means it's time to go get Sebastian. His house was only a block from the park so you and Jonathan walked hand In hand the whole way there. Once you got there Sebastian was already outside. He was hugging his mom goodbye.

"Hey Bash!" You ran up to him and hugged him.

"Hey Y/N." He smiled at you and turned back to his mom. "I'll be back in a week or so I guess mom. So have the cookies ready." He hugged her one last time before you two began walking back to your apartment.

Jonathan was waiting for you over where you left him. "Y/N I have to go. I'll be back later tho." You pecked him on the lips before he ran off.

"Alright Bashtian you are coming to my place so I can feed you before your big send off. Alright? "

"Sir yes sir! " Sebastian jokingly put his hand to his head in a mundane salute.

"I didn't realize I had become a sir." You laughed. The two of you we're passing the Eiffel tower. So your house was only a few blocks away. You decided to take the shortcut through the back alley.

"Come on Bash! " you grabbed his arm and pulled him through the back alley. Just as some black figure slammed into Sebastian.

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