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Calypso's POV

I am relaxing in the café with my friends, having a great time. I love it here in the mortal world. It's sad to think that I haven't seen it in over 3000 years.

I was trapped in Ogygia for so long, under a horrible curse: I will fall in love with every man who comes to visit my island. And they will eventually have to go, leaving me alone with a  broken heart.

That was until Leo Valdez came and promised me that he would rescue me. He promised that I will free from my curse. He promised that he would take me to the mortal world.

He swore it on the River Styx. He kept that promise, and that's why I'm here right now. I love him for that.

I am in the middle of a long conversation with Piper, when the door opens and Piper gasps. I turn around to see a girl with a backpack, standing and blushing. She's lovesick. I could tell. She was the girl who wrote Jason that note. I roll my eyes.


"Hey, Jason! You're looking especially good today!" She smiles flirtatiously.

"Uh, he's wearing the same thing as he was wearing about 2 hours ago. And, hello? Today is the first day you've met him, so you can't jump to the conclusion that he looks especially good just today. Please get a clue." Leo gestures dramatically. 

Piper and I laugh, as Vanessa gives us glares. Leave it to Leo to lighten up the mood.

"Vanessa, I told you I'm not interested in your offer, and I'm hanging out with friends right now. So..." Jason sighs. Vanessa is one stubborn person.

"Well, Jason. I've got something to offer." She takes off her backpack, unzips the top and peeks in.

I see that Hazel and Frank, who are now behind her, are trying not to laugh. Frank pulls out a bag of gold and quickly puts it back. Everyone except Vanessa sees it. 

Vanessa is digging furiously around her bag.

"Where is it?" She screams in frustration. After 10 minutes, she must've finally realized that it wasn't there. 

"Jason, I think I'm so great that someone stole it. But, um, remember... I have lots to offer! Lots! And lots!" She flips her hair over her shoulder and sashays out of the café. The rest of us burst out laughing.

"Oh, Jason the hottie! I'm so great! People even steal from me! But don't forget, I have lots to offer! Lots! And lots!" Leo mimics her in a high pitched squeaky voice. We laugh harder at that.

Annabeth and Percy arrive as Frank and Hazel explain their plan. I'm really impressed. And so are the others.

"That," Annabeth proudly announces. "Is a plan worthy of Athena."

And we all have to agree.

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