Chapter 2 (E)

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~*~ Edited ~*~

As I enter our den, I am met with Jackson's bloody body laying on the ground. I run over to him and shift back. I cry as I put my head on his chest. I quickly put my two fingers on the inside of his wrist. His heart is still beating. I look up at his face as a tears stream from my eyes down my cheeks.

"Foxy! Where'd you go!" The guy yells.

I look up at the entrance of the den, look back down at Jackson, and grab his arm. I pull his body onto my back. I crawl out of the entrance, get up, and look around.

"Hey! Help! Please help!" I yell, still crying. He looks over at me, then Jackson.

He runs up to me, takes Jackson and takes him off my back. He looks at me confusingly.

"Who are you?"

"I'm... The Fox..."

"What? How?... Are you a... But they were wiped out..."

"Yeah, but Jackson and I got out, now please hurry before he dies!"

He looks down at Jackson and nods. He hands me Jackson and shifts into his wolf form. He motions his head back toward his back. I set Jackson on his back and shift into my black fox form. In this form, I have even more speed, strength, hearing, and sight.

The man looks at me for a minute then barks in the direction of the pack. We run for a few minutes when we are met with the territory lines. Three guards jump in front of us before we can cross over. I growl at them, but the man mind links one of the guards while the other two stare at me, growling back. The men move out of the way reluctantly and we run into the forest. We make it to the house in 10 minutes.

The man cautiously slides Jackson off his back and onto the ground. We both shift and he picks him up. We run into the pack house, all the pack members look up at us. We continue running and burst into the infirmary. The doctor looks up at us and down to Jackson as the man lays him on the bed.

The doctor runs over and checks over his bloody body. He looks up at me then back down at Jackson and says, "Is he related to you?"


"Do you have the same blood type?" He asks while taking Jackson's blood.

"I-I think so..."

"Well, I'm going to take some of your blood and see, if you are the same, I need to give him some of your blood." He says while preparing a needle to take blood from me.

"Ok, will it save him?"

"It will give him a better chance."

"Ok, I'll do it"

He comes up to me. I quickly close my eyes as he sticks the needle in my arm. I flinch. God, I hate needles. He quickly finishes and starts to run the tests. I never take my eyes off Jackson. His breathing is still good, but he is paler than usual.

"The test came out positive, I'm going to take more blood from you." He says as he sticks the cold needle in my arm once again.

The procedure takes about three hours. The doctor finally tells us, "He'll be ok now. He will be on bed rest for a week or two weeks..."

"No, he's going to get better faster," I said quickly.

"Excuse me?"

"Well... Um... I'm... We're fox shifters..."

The doctor looks at me with wide eyes. His mouth drops open and he walks up to me. He pulls me into a bear hug. He lets go and looks into my eyes.

"Are you two the only ones left?"

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