Chapter 5

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"I'm Brett," the brown haired one said,"And this is my brother Shawn."

"Nice to meet you guys." I said, smiling.

"The pleasure is ours, Luna." Shawn said.

"Please, call me Jenna."

"Okay, Jenna." They said in unison. I smiled and turned back around.


When we arrived at the mall, I found a store that had my style clothes in it. Hot Topic. They have so many different band T-shirts! I picked up a Nirvana, AC⚡️DC, Panic! At The Disco, and Fall Out Boy shirt. I also got two plain black, grey, and white shirts. Also a couple of tank tops. I went over to he pants section. I picked up a few black, dark blue and light blue jeans. I walked over to the shorts section and picked out a couple white and light/ dark blue shorts.

When I was done getting the clothes, I walked over to the changing room and tried everything on. I exited the fitting room and walked over to Daniel who was standing by the entrance on his phone. I plopped the clothes in his arms.

"Oof," He looked up at me, "You ready to go?"

"Almost, I need a dress." He nodded as I walked away. I got over to the dress section and looked through them all. I found two dresses that are pretty similar. One is a strapless black wit lace on the torso and bottom. The other is black with straps that has white lace on the torso and bottom. I entered the fitting room again and tried on the dresses. They fit. I exited once again and back over to Daniel.

"I'm ready now."

"Ok, lets go check out." I nodded.

When we got to the counter and set everything down, the guy winked at me. Daniel must have noticed this cause has put his arm around my waist and pulled me into him, glaring at the guy. The guy quickly started to check everything out.

"That'll be $297.94 sir." Daniel handed him his credit card. The guy scanned it and handed us the card and bags.

"Have a great day!" The guy told us as we walked out of the store. We got to some benches where Brett an Shawn were sitting. They looked up at us.

"Ready to go?" Brett asked as they stood up.

"Yep, we got..." I checked my watch, "Two hours, lets go!" I grabbed Daniels hand and pulled him with me with the twins (Brett and Shawn) following us, laughing. We got to the car and hopped in. We drove for about 20 minutes until we got to the forest. After about 10 minutes of driving in the forest, I said, "Danny?" He chuckled.

"Yes princess?"

"Princess?" I asked.

"Yeah, your nickname, need something?"

"Vixie wants to be let out."


"My fox, please, we can run home together."

"Deal," He looked back to the twins, "Guys, take the car home and take the bags to our room."

"Ok Alpha." Shawn said. We all got out and the twins got in the car. They drove away as Daniel walked behind a tree and shifted. His wolf was huge! It was black with grey streaks. He has his clothes in his mouth and dropped them at my feet. I grabbed them and tied them around his leg. I shifted and he stared at me. He stared at me for a few minutes.

'You don't checking me out?' I asked though our mate link.

'You so beautiful." He walked up to me and nuzzled my neck. I purred. I rubbed my side on his and when he was about to do he same, I moved. He playfully growled. I licked his cheek and said, 'TAG!' I ran through the woods toward the house. We aren't in pack territory yet.

'Oh, your on foxy!' I look back to see him gaining on me. I yelped and kicked in my black fox speed. Its quicker than his Alpha speed. After about 5 minutes of running, I came up on a meadow with a small hill. I climbed up on the hill and looked around.

'Where'd you go foxy?' Daniel asked.

"Lost me already?' I teased.

'Its no fair, your abilities are like 5 times mine.'

'Excuses excuses.'

I looked around, and sniffed the air looking for Daniel. Instead of him, I smell rouges.

'I'm in the meadow, rogues.' I heard him growl and shut off the link. I looked around again. I started to turn around but I got tackled by a wolf. We rolled on the ground for a few seconds till I heard a whistle. the wolf got off of me. I stood up to see the wolf go to Henry. (Rogue leader) I let out a low, defensive growl. He chuckled.

"Your beautiful aren't you?" He was standing there with three guards, the wolf and... Austin. Austin was looking at the ground. I growled louder which made him look at me. Henry started to approach me. I snapped at his hand when he stuck it out at me. He snatched his hand back just in time.

"Feisty!" I laughed. The guards laughed too. I looked at Austin who was standing there looking at me. I turned my head to show him I'm confused. He looked at me with regretful eyes. While I had this silent conversation with Austin, Henry took this advantage to get on my bac. I tried to buck him off. Hints on the word tried.

He laid down on my back to were he had his arm wrapped around my stomach. What he doing? All the sudden, he squeezed my stomach so hard I let out a howl in pain and unwillingly shifted back into my human form. (My clothes don't rip btw) I laid on the ground, clutching my stomach in pain. I heard bushes rustle and Henry walked back to Austin and his guards. I felt warmth appear over me. I looked up to see Daniels wolf standing over me. He growled at Henry. I lowered his held and touched my shoulder. I whimpered in pain which made him whine.

He lifted his head and looked at Henry. He jumped over me and lunged at Henry. A guard got in front of him and tackled him to the ground. Daniel quickly got on top of him and ripped out his throat. He jumped up and sprinted at Henry again. The wolf who tackled me tackled him this time. Daniel did the same to this guard and the next. When the third guy was taken out and only one was left, Henry and Austin walked towards me. Austin walked around me but Henry stepped on my hip which made me cry out in pain. Daniel quickly chased them off. He ran back over to me.

"Are you ok?" He asked.

"N-no, I cant move."

He nodded and carefully picked me up. I winced in pain but the tingles going through my body started to let me move a little bit more after a few minutes. Daniel looked down at me with sad eyes.

"I'm sorry." He said.

"Why are you sorry?"

"Cause I didn't get there in time."

"Id say you got there at the right time."

"What?" His eyes held regret and confusion.

"I could be dead right now, but I'm with you, that's all that matters." He smiled and kissed my forehead.

"I love you princess."

"I love you more." I smirked.

"Not possible." He chuckled. We talked till we got back to the pack house.

Authors note:

Hey guys! Sorry for not updating for a while, I would have updated yesterday but it was my birthday so I didn't really have time. Hope you guys liked it, have a great day/night.

Also, got read @killerfins story that I'm co-writing, thanks!

~Nicky <3

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