Chapter 28

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I flip the pancakes into the air. They plummet down back onto the pan. I leave them on the stove for a few seconds before flipping them again. I feel a pair of warm, strong arms wrap about my waist. Where are the sparks?

"Hey babe." I hear Bellamy's voice break through the silence. I subconsciously let go of the air I was holding in involuntary. I laugh and slip the now done pancakes onto the two plates next to the stove. I can practically feel Bellamys drool on my shoulder. Right as I think that, I feel something warm on my shoulder. I yelp and break out of Bellamy's grip.

"EW! BELL!" I exclaim in disgust as I run over to the sink with a towel and try to get the drool off of me.

"Can I have one of the plates?" He asks as I am viciously scrubbing my shoulder. I groan and go back to scrubbing. He takes this response as a yes and grabs a plate, running up stairs. I sigh and stop cleaning off my shoulder, walking back over to the stove to make me more pancakes.

I pour the batter on the pan into an irregular circle. Hey! It's irregular like me, but at least it will have character. I laugh at my thought and continue to make my pancake.

"What are you laughing at?" I hear a deep, husky voice fill the room as I feel sparks wrap around my waist, followed by the warmth of his arms. He kisses the top of my head and looks over my shoulder, wanting a 'good morning kiss'. Every morning. I turn my head to the side and peck his lips and go back to my pancake. I flip it into the air.

"I'm just laughing at my pancake." I say as my pancake falls back onto the hot pan. I nod at my beautiful pancake making skill. I tilt the pan to the side above my plate and my pancake slides perfectly on it. I turn the stove off and put the pan in the sink.

I break out of Daniel's embrace causing him to growl playfully in disapproval. I walk back over to our plates and pour syrup on both of our pancakes. Oh sorry, did you think I meant I just put a little? Let's be honest, I smothered them. I grab them both and hand one to him.

"Eat up," I say in a serious tone, "we have a war to win today." There is a few seconds of silence before we burst out into laughter because of  me trying to being serious. That's a holy moment you see, I am rarely serious... sometimes...

"That was hilarious, you trying to be serious is the funniest thing I'll see all day!" Daniel laughs as we both plop down on the couch. I am about to stab my pancake when I see something flying toward the window.

"Can't these people find another way to communicate to people?" I groan as I quickly sprint behind the couch. Daniel is oblivious to everything that is happening so he just shrugs it off and stabs his pancake. Right as he is about to stick his pancake in his mouth, the brick breaks through the glass, causing glass shards to fly across the room. Daniel just continues eating as he expertly dodges some of the large glass pains flying toward him. I laugh and hop out from behind the couch to see Daniel look like he had been snowed on. That's gonna hurt.

"Ouch!" He exclaims as one of the millions of tiny glass shards covering him cuts into him. I just laugh and walk up to him.

"Stand up and shake like the dog you are." He playfully glares at me and stands up with a smirk. "No." I say dangerously. He shakes, like a dog, throwing the snow like glass shards all over me. I look down to see blood trickling down my arms and legs. I can feel a bit on blood on my face too.

"Thanks!" I say as I shake them off too. He smirks and walks to the kitchen to get a broom and dust pan. I sigh and walk over to the brick. I pick it up, ripping the note off and reading it.

Hello Jenna. I hope you enjoyed your pitiful break. I sure did. Our warriors trained the whole time, only taking a break to eat or sleep. To bad for you since now you will never stand a chance. Anyways, if your people aren't out here at the North side of the territory in 15 minutes, we will invade.

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