Chapter 9

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After the meeting, Jakob introduced us to most of his pack since the rest were either guarding or working. He has 500 pack members. He does not have a mate yet, but is searching currently. While Jakob and Daniel started talking about guard stations and other things while we were meeting the pack, I decided to look around.I walked outside of the pack house to the backyard. There were kids running around everywhere and some women, I'm guessing their moms, sitting at some tables under a bear by tree. The yard was super big, but not as big as ours.
I stood there and took everything in. I took a deep breathe. Oh how I love the smell of nature. The scent of trees, water from nearby streams, rogues. Wait rogues? I looked around the tree line. I sniffed the air again and looked over to where the children were playing beside the forest. Oh no. I ran over in they're direction. As I got closer, I could see a shadow lurking in the distance. I sprinted there. Right before the shadow was about to attack I got there which made it stop.
"Hey kids, go back to your mommy's" I said to them in a sweet voice.
"Who are you?" One of the little girls asked. There were three girls and two boys.
"I'm the Luna of your neighborhood for pack, please go back to see your mommy's" I said again.
"Ok Miss Luna." The little girl said taking her friends hands. They ran back up to their moms. I smiled and looked into the woods where the shadow still was. It turned around and bolted into the woods. I sprinted after it. I gained on him every few seconds. He can't outrun me. After I got close enough, I could tell it was a lightish brown furred wolf. Definitely a rough by the smell. Right as I got close enough, I jumped on him and talked him to the ground. He whimpered as he hit the ground. He was about to stand up but I straddled him.
"Shift." I command. He shakes his head 'ok'. I get off him and back away a little bit. He gets up and walks behind a tree. He quickly shifted. He walked out and to me. He had lightish brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. He was tall, muscular with an eight pack, and very tan. He seemed to be about my age. Apparently he had shorts somewhere since we was wearing basketball shorts.
"Who are you?" I asked in a calm voice, trying not to make him mad or scared.
"Aaron." He said in a confident voice. I smiled at him and he smirked at me.
"What were you doing by those kids, Aaron?" I asked, putting effaces on his name. 
"None of your business." He bluntly stated.
"Well I'm making it my business." I spat back. He looked at me with surprise.
"Who are you?" He asked raising an eyebrow.
They probably told him about me, I should probably make up a name unless I want to start a fight. I could just call Daniel out here, that may be better.
"Lena." I lied. He looked at me with a dull expression.
'Daniel, come into the woods, ask the kids by their parents in the backyard which way, you'll smell a rogue, follow it.' I quickly linked him.
"Who did you just link?" Aaron asked, fear in his voice.
"My friend." I replied quickly.
"So who are you really." He asked.
I was about to answer until I felt the pleasurable sparks travel throughout my body and warms arms wrap around my waist. I can feel myself get pulled into Daniels chest. He growls at Aaron.
"Ohhh, so your this "Jenna"." He puts air quotes around my name. Daniel growled again and pushed me behind him.
"What do you want?" Daniel asked Aaron in an annoyed tone.
"I was just trying to do my job when your mate here got in my way." Aaron sneered at me.
"And that was to..." Daniel asked.
"Kill the children."
I gasp and bury my head in Daniels back. How can someone kill children without giving a second thought? Apparently rogues can, but that just cruel.
"I'll give you 5 seconds to get away from us and of this land or I'll call the Alpha of this pack." Daniel commanded in a deep voice. The rogue nodded violently and shifted. He sprinted into the woods. Daniel turned around and hugged me.
"Are you ok?" He asked, his face in my neck. Every time he would take a breathe, it would send chills down my back. I can feel him smirking against my neck.
"Yeah. Let's head back." I said, pulling out of the hug. He nodded. "Can you give me a piggyback ride? Please!" I asked, giving him the puppy dog eyes. He sighed and bent down for me. I cheered and quickly jumped on his back. I wrapped my arms around his chest and put my chin on his shoulder.
"We're going to stay for dinner then go back, but we have to meet his pack members first." He explained to me.
"What time is dinner?" I questioned.
"5:30." I got out my phone and turned it on. It read 5:20.
"Well we better hurry, it starts in 10 minutes."
"Better hold on tight." Right as he said that, I tightened my hold and he took off into the woods. He's using his Alpha speed, it's not as fast as mine, but it's still really fast. He dodges trees, left and right. We emerge from the woods into the backyard. Everyone must be inside already. I took out my phone and checked the time. 5:25. Perfect! I nodded to Daniel and took his hand in mine. We smiled at each other and began to walk towards the house. As we entered, everyone's heads snapped in our direction.
"Everyone ready to eat?" Daniel asked in a loud voice for everyone to hear.
They all cheered.

Authors Note:
Hey guys, sorry it took so long to update, things have been going on like school and personal shit, but I'll try and update more often, hope you enjoyed the story!

~Nicky <3

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