Chapter 21

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I walk out on the small balcony over looking out huge yard filled with about 50 training werewolves. I take a sip of my coffee and look at the sun peeking over the tops of the trees. What would I do without coffee. I would probably never have a decent day. I lean against the railing, my arms supporting me and my coffee in my hand, taking sips every now and then. I look down at the train wolves. They have gotten better. Our pack had gotten stronger lately. That's a good thing considering the dreams I've been having... more like messages...


I walk through the grassy meadow. Flowers are scatters across the bright green meadow. There is a nearby water fall connecting to a river. The water slashes into the river, flowing down its path and disappears into the woods. I walk up to the river, the soft grass sticking between my toes. I sit down on the ground right in front of the river, sticking my feet carefully in the frigid water as if it would bite me.

"Jenna." I hear a soft, angelic voice call. I whip my head in the direction of the voice. I see a lady with beach blonde hair, deep blue eyes and tan skin. She reminds me of a beach. Her eyes, the water. Her skin, the sand. Her hair, the sun. It all fits.

"Who are you?" Her voice sounds familiar yet I have never seen her before. I stand up, facing the mysterious lady. She laughs.

"I forgot. I've only spoken to you through your mind. I'm you mom, your true mom, the moongoddess." My eyes widen. My mom. I've only talked to her once. My real, truly real mom, standing right in front of me. A tear brims my right eye. I blink it back smiling at her. I walk up to her slowly before quickly engulfing her into a hug. She laughs as she wraps her arms around my waist. We pull away and look at each other.

"Jenna," she says taking a hold of my shoulders, " the war, it's coming. I can't give you a specific day, but it coming soon. Train your pack. All your available warriors need to be ready for the break out of the war. You will find many things happening to you and Daniel soon. Beneficial things that will help you survive." Her soft voice fills the beautiful meadow. 

"Who is the war against?" I ask, curiosity laced within my voice.

"The hunters and the rogues have joined forces. They are trying to get your power. You the last living black fox shifter. Fight well my daughter," she engulfs me into a hung and whispers into my ear, "your will gain strength. Learn to control it quickly. I love you."

I don't get the chance to respond before she disappears from my embrace. I sigh and look around. Time to go back home.

~*~End Of Flashback~*~

What is the strength she mentioned? I look down at my empty coffee cup and sigh. I walk back into my room and down to the kitchen, placing the cup in the dish filled sink. I feel bad for the ladies who clean up the pack house. They have so much to clean considering how many people are here and how much mess werewolves can make. I walk outside to the training yard. I walk around, viewing the training wolves. I get to a pair. One is in the ground... but is he breathing. The other wolf standing to the side looks at the down wolf in concern. I run up to the down wolf and check his pulse. He's dying.

'Heal him.' My fox comments quickly.

'Heal him? I can't do that!' I tell her.

'This is part of your strength your mom told you about Jenna. Focus on him being healthy. Maybe him running around smiling.' I nod and shut off our link, placing my hands on his chest. I imagine him running through a meadow, similar to the one I had in my dream, with a little girl, his daughter, trailing behind me. I image them laughing and playing around. I hear coughing which pulls me out of my trance. He's trying to sit up. I put my hand on his back and my other on his shoulder and help him up. There is a crowd around us. Their wide eyes bore into me.

"Did you just heal him?" One voice sticks out to me. Natalie. I sigh standing up and walk over to her. I stand in front of her and smile.

"Yeah, it's part of my powers." I tell her plainly like it's the most obvious thing in the world. Her mouth drops open. "Close your mouth, you'll catch flies." We both chuckle. I grab her hand and lead her inside to my room.

"What are we doing in your room? Are you going to tell me a secret?" She asks excitedly, jumping up and down.

"No. I just wanted to get away from them. Plus, if I wanted to tell you a secret, a house full of werewolves would not be the place." She laughs.

"True. When were you going to tell me you have powers?" She asks, jumping on my bed. I jump beside her, my body sprawling out.

"I don't know, when I got them. I just got this one today, like a few minutes ago. I'm going to get more but I don't know when." I think about telling her about the upcoming war but I decide against that idea. That could end up horribly.

"Fine. Anyways, what do you want to do?" She asks, propping herself up on her elbows looking at me. I mimic her movement.

"Movie night?" I suggest. She violently nods her head. I nod and pick up my phone to order the pizza. We can basically read each others mind and we know during movie nights you always have to have pizza. After I order the pizza, I lay back on the bed.

"What about the guys?" Natalie asks after a few moments of comfortable silence.

"Their at a meeting with the neighboring packs. They'll be back in two days." I tell her. I hear the doorbell ring so I sprint down the steps to the door. Your probably wondering how it got here so fast. We have out own pizza place on the pack land. I suggested it and they approved it. I quickly take the pizza and run up the stairs. We don't have to pay for the pizza since it would be like paying ourselves so we just take it and go. It's pretty helpful actually.

"Pizzas here!" I call as I open the door. Natalie is sitting on the bed next to Joslyn. They look at me with excitement. I throw the pizza on the bed and hug Joslyn.

The three of us spent the whole night eating pizza and candy with Monster and talking about all the sad and scary movies we've been watching. Over all, it was a good night.

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