Chapter 15

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Natalie and Joslyn are in my room helping me get ready for my date with Daniel. They have become really good friends since Natalie came earlier today. They talked and instantly clicked.

"Hey Jenna," Natalie asks, "How do you have to dress?"

My eyes go wide, I forgot to ask. I let my eyes fog over as I mind link Daniel.

'What should I wear tonight.'

'Something nice that you can run in. Make sure to wear a bathing suit underneath.'

'K' I quickly respond, shutting off the link.

"What did you just do with your eyes?" Natalie asks, pointing at my eyes.

"It's called a mind link. I can mind link any werewolf in the pack, even Jos." I say looking at Joslyn. She nods in agreement.

"So what did he say?" Joslyn asks, walking me and Nat into the closet.

"Something nice that I can run in and to wear a bathing suit underneath." They both look at each other and smirk. I slap their arms and we all laugh.

"So... a dress?" Natalie asks.

"Nah, I can't run in that." I say looking through the clothes.

Joslyn gasps, "How about a romper?" I smile and nod.

"That's perfect!" I exclaim walking over to the shelf where my rompers live. I grab a blue romper with no straps and show the girls. They disagree. I put it back and grab another that is pink with white flowers all over it. They violently shake their heads no. I sigh and put it back on the shelf. I smirk as I find a black romper with sleeves, but no straps. I turned around and showed the girls. They looked at each other and squealed. Joslyn and I cover our ears but they continued squealing. They finally stopped and we took out hands down.

"Now for a swim suit." Joslyn says and her and Nat walk over to the shelf I am at and looking down a shelf to see my bathing suits.

"Lets see," Natalie says while looking through the bathing suits, "You need a strapless top, but you still need to look sexy." I look at her like she's crazy which makes us all laugh.

"Hey," Joslyn says pulling out a black strapless top with fringe and black bottoms, "How about these, their cute and sexy." Nat and I nod in agreement. Joslyn hands me the bathing suit and I put it on top of my romper.

"SHOES!" They yelled at the same time. I closed my eyes and cover my ears as they jumped up and down sing songing... something... I can't really tell since my hands are clapped over my ears.

"Ok ok!" I laugh as they start to calm down. They nodded and skipped over to the shoes. Right as I get over to them they start shoving shoes at me.

"WOAH WOAH!!" I laugh as they stop shoving shoes at me. I look at the shoes and see a pair of black sandals that have straps going up to about the ankle. The girls look at me and nod in agreement.

"Alright, go take a shower and change." Natalie says, pushing me out of the closet and though the main room, to the bathroom. I run in and turn on the shower. I quickly strip down. I look at my face and nod, making sure I have no acne. I feel the bathroom getting warmer from the steaming water so I decide to jump in. I quickly rinse off my body and face of all the dirt. I finish my shower with doing my hair and stepping out. I quickly dry off and slip on my bathing suit. I look in the mirror. Looks good. I look at each of my sides and nod in approval. I get my romper and put it on in a matter of seconds and put my sandals on. I step out of the bathroom which makes the girls look at me.

"Oh girl!! You look sexy!!" Natalie comments as I spin around giving them a look of my hole outfit.

"Rock it girl!!!" Joslyn snaps her fingers in the shape of a 'Z'. We all laugh.

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