Chapter 26

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A squeal passes through my lip pink lips as I catch sight of Joslyn and Natalie. Their faces light up as they see me. I run up to them, engulfing them in a bear hug, which they do the same.

"I missed you so much!" Natalie exclaims as she break out of the hug. I kiss them each on the cheek in a friendly manner. I feel arms wrap around my chest, trapping my arms by my side. I feel the vibration of his protective growl on my back.

"Only me." He says defensively. I laugh and turn around, pecking his soft lips. I turn back around to see Bryce doing the same thing to Natalie. I smile at their happiness, but my smile quickly forms into a frown when I see Joslyn standing off to the side looking sad and lonely. An idea pops into my head and I wiggle out of Daniel's strong and comforting hold and walk over to Joslyn.

"I forgot to introduce you to my friend from my old pack, I'll go..." I get cut off by a yawn. I whip my head to the source of the noise. I smile as I see Bellamy. "Speak of the devil and he'll come!"

Bellamy looks up at me and smiles before he sees Joslyn. In the blink of an eye, Bellamy is beside Joslyn. I am lightly pushed away from Joslyn and I am soon replaced with Bellamy.

"Mine! How are you little mate?" Bellamy asks, tracing his pointer finger along her jaw line. I run over to Daniel and wrap my arms around his neck as he pulls me into a hug. His shoulder muffles my squeals of happiness. The moment is cut short when a thought pops into my head. Isn't Bellamy gay?

"Hey Bell, aren't you gay?" I ask, dragging Daniel over to Joslyn and Bellamy. Bellamy's eyes fill with confusion.

"I thought I was too. But hey, I have a second chance mate and I'm never letting go of her. I will protect her with my life." His eyes go dark as he wraps his arms around her small arms and torso. I look up to the clouds, where I hope Jackson is with mom and dad, and think about him. This is what he would want, for Joslyn to be happy. I know he may miss her, but he would still want the best for her. I smile and look back at the new couple. A bigger smile crawls it's way onto my face as I think of an idea.

"How about me and Daniel make cookies while you two catch up." I explain to the two love birds who were only half listening since their respond was just a small 'yeah'. I drag Daniel by the hand to the kitchen. I finally make it there, which Daniel was not helping us to get there any faster, I get out everything to make homemade sugar cookies. Daniel sits on the counter as I spread the ingredients beside him.

"Why would you volunteer me to make cookies, I'll just burn them like last time." Daniel complains. He's not wrong. Last time, he burnt them so badly that I don't think they could be classified as cookies. They looked more like coal.

"It was to leave the two love birds alone." I comment in response, wiggling my eyebrows. He playfully hits my arm and chuckles deeply. I give a slight laugh as I begin making the cookies.

"So, you should go check with training director to see how everyone is doing and what else we need to prepare for." I deadpan in all seriousness while stirring the dough. His face turns serious and he nods and walks out the door.

Last week may have been fun, but it's getting serious now. We have a few days. We need to make preparations as soon as possible we will probably end up doing preparations tomorrow. The war is on Friday. It's Tuesday right now. We have gotten other packs, the Cresent Sun Pack and the Black Cloud Pack to join us in the battle. They are our closest packs and the often had rogue attacks too. They have had to deal with rogues too many times, we're milling two birds with one stone and this means, most likely, not as many of our pack members will die.

I finish up with the cookie dough right as the oven beeps, signaling I can put in the cookies now. I grab the tray and stick it in, setting the timer and walking into the attached living room. I plop down on the couch and prop my feet up on the coffee table in front of me. I grab my phone and begin playing games.

After a few minutes, I get bored and get on Instagram. Oh Instagram, it never lets me down. I scroll through and start to smell the sweet smell of the sugar cookies.

I turn off my phone as I hear the beeping of the oven. Bryce runs down the stairs in concern. While running, he yells, "Did Daniel try to cook cookies again?"

Before I can answer, he sniffs the air and says, "Oh never mind, someone who can actually bake made actually edible cookies." I laugh at his comment.

"Want a warm cookie?" I ask him in a sweet voice. He steps back a little in suspension.

"Why did you say that so sweetly?" He asks, his voice filled with worry and concern.

"Oh, no reason," I say, grabbing a cookie and holding it out to him, "It's for you." I wave the cookie in front of his face, watching him follow it. I see Daniel run in and snatch the cookie from me... with his mouth. I give him a playful glare and grab another, handing it to Bryce. He quickly grabs it and stuffs it in his mouth.

"Thanks!" He yells as her tramples up the stairs. I laugh and look at Daniel.

"You know," I walk up to him, poking his chest, "he thought you burnt cookies again." My voice is filled with suggestion. His face gives a fake hurt expression before he is running up the stairs yelling, "Bryce you bitch!"

I laugh and sit on the couch. Right as I do, I hear a girly scream... looks like Daniel found him.

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