Chapter 25

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I roll on the ground with tear pouring out of my eyes. I try to catch my breath but end up laughing even more. I support my body weight on a nearby tree and hold my chest which is rapidly rising and falling. I pull myself up and steady myself as I wobble from side to side. I wipe away the tears which are blurring my vision.

"You - should have - seen your - face!" I exclaim taking large breathes.

"Breathe babe breathe." Daniel coos as I take in short breathes, trying to get air back in my lungs. I instantly start to breathe normally as his arms wrap around my waist.

"Anyways..." Bellamy states, dusting himself off, "Your getting really good Jen!" Bellamy walks over to me and pats me lightly on the back. I laugh.

"I know." I state cockily, dramatically flipping my chocolate brown hair over my exposed shoulder. We all laugh before Makiara clears his throat causing our laughter to die down.

"Training!" He yells before walking away and grabbing Bellamy by his ear and dragging him along with him. I look at Daniel with confidence before I nod, signaling to start. We both perfectly straighten out bodies before staring at each other, being careful to think of every detail we can about each other. I see a force field shimmer up around Daniels tall and muscular frame. I smile at my victory, careful not to move and accidentally break his focus. I look around me to see the force field put up around me.

Most people stereotypical think of force fields at some kind of blurry sort of clear thing. It's really not, it is clear, but it has a hint of blue and purple in it. If you look hard enough, you can see what looks like glitter mixed into the thin field.

I squeal and run up to Daniel, engulfing him into a bear hug.

You may be thinking, if there are force fields around both of you, how have you not repelled each other? Well my friend, since we're mates and did the force fields to each other, out force fields will merge whenever we get into a close proximity of each other, about a yard or two maybe, give or take a few. It's actually really cool since if someone outside our pack tries to touch us while we have force fields up, they will die. If we know the people very well then they will just get knocked down. Just like what happened to Bellamy. He got knocked down as I was explaining this which made me die of laughter at the face he has made as he flew backward.

I disconnect from Daniels arms earning a disapproving growl from him. I scoff and wave him off as I shake off the force field. He does the same and runs up to catch to me.

"Hey! Where are you going?" Daniel asks, sounds very intrigued.

"To work on my other powers." I tell him like it's the most obvious thing in the world. I roll my eyes playfully at his and saunter away.

Oh, I'm sorry, did I forget to mention, I have more powers than just the force field. I can bend anything living to my will, I can levitate things with my mind and I can heal people to any extent. I can't heal them from death, but if they are still breathing then I can, but only if they want to be saved.

"I can help!" Daniel calls, running up to me.

"Oh? How so can you do that?" I ask with a mischievous glance. He chuckles lightly and lightly slings his arm over my shoulder. I look up at him and smile, shrugging his arm off my shoulder and grabbing his large hand in mine.

~Daniel's POV~

Jenna grabs my hand which engulfs her own and we lace our fingers together, walking to a second meadow nearby where Jenna works on her other powers. She is very good at using her powers after almost a week of training. We will be heading back home in two days since it will be a good idea to have a weeks worth of preparation before the war starts.

We finally make it t the large meadow which has medium height grass with flowers raising a bit higher than the grass. There are pink, purple and yellow flowers mixed within the luscious green grass. There is a huge rock that Jenna likes to levitate in the middle of the beautiful clearing.

"Hurry upppppp!" Jenna wines, dragging me over to the rock... well... attempting to drag me. I chuckle and jog over to the large rock. We stand in front of it, looking at it. Jenna climbs up on it, I join her, lying on my back as she does the same. I look up at the light blue sky, the white puffy clouds spotting the sky.

I see the sky look to be expanding toward me. I sit up and peer over the edge of the rock to see the ground get smaller and smaller every second. I laugh and lay back down with Jenna lying peacefully behind me. I look over at her and she gives me a devilish smirk.

"Hold on!" She yells. I give her a curious look before I feel my body being lifted in the air. I yell and grab onto moss which is, for some reason, is stuck to the rock very well. Jenna laughs. I look over at her to see a huge grin the size of the sun. I look at her with absolute adoration. I feel my body hit the rock roughly as it thuds onto the ground, causing dirt and grass to fly into the air. I look over at Jenna, causing us to burst out into laughter.


I wave goodbye to Makiara through the huge window while snaking my arm around Jenna's waist and pulling her closer, if that's even possible, to my side.

"We finally get to go back home!" I sigh in relief as I plop down into the comfort of a private jet seat. I sigh in content as I prop my legs on the coffee table in front of me. Jenna comes over to me and sits in my lap. I wrap my arms around her waist and bury my head in her neck.

~Jenna's POV~

I sigh as I hear Daniel's soft snores. Finally, it took forever for him to fall asleep. I wiggle out of his grip and go to the bathroom. Right as I get there, I throw up in, luckily, the already opened toilet. I hold my hair back as I do so. I let my hair back down and walk over to the sink, washing my mouth off.

I grab the pregnancy test, which I hid before we got onto the flight, from my pocket and followed the instructions. I wait a few minutes before looking at it. I see two marks appear on the small devise. I smile and hold in my squeals of joy. I'll tell Daniel when we get back. I quickly wrap the small test in toilet paper so nobody will see it and stick it in my pocket once again.  I walk out of the bathroom like nothing ever happened and walkover to my bag which is sitting in the seat across from Daniel and beside Bellamy. Good thing they are both passed out. I quickly stuff the test in my bag before one of them could even have the chance of waking up. I sigh and sit in Daniels lap once again. I can't wait to tell him!

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