Chapter 16

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~Jenna's POV~

"Faster!!" I yell as the warrior wolves run around the large length of the yard. A few wolves are running slowly and are far behind the others. I sigh knowing they must be newbies.

"Ok! You three in the back, come with me, everybody else's keep running!" I yell at them.

"Yes Jenna!" They yell back. The three young warrior wolves trot over to me. They look down.

"Is this your first time training?" I ask them. They look up and nod their head yes. They each look about 16. The one on the left has blonde hair and carmel eyes, the middle one has brown hair and green eyes and the one on the right has red hair and blue eyes.

"What are your names?" I ask them.

"I'm Clayton." The one with brown hair speaks up.

"I'm Jack." The one with red hair says.

"I'm Aaron." The blonde one says.

I nod in approval. "Meet me at the edge of the woods in 20 minutes. Get back and line and I'll let you go get water 10 minutes early. Don't be late." I wink at them and point over to the group still running around the yard. They nod and run over to join them.

"Alright! 5 more minutes of running then we're doing to stretch again!" I yell at them. I look at the back of the line to see the three musketeers. I sigh. I might as well join them since it's only 5 minutes and they obviously need some motivation.

"Yes Jenna!" They yell back. I run over the the boys and start jogging beside them. I have to jog since my fox speed makes me faster than everyone here.

"Come on, push yourselves for the last few minutes," I say to them, "keep up with me." I smirk at them and I speed up and run beside the larger group of older men. I look back to see the three coming up further and further to me. I speed up and get to the front of the line. Within a few seconds they were beside me. I'm still not running full speed but they are pretty fast... for wolves. I smirk at my thought.

"Alright! Stop running and space out within arm length!" I yell to them. They start spacing out. I touch the shoulders of Clayton and Aaron to get the three of them to stop before spreading out as well.

"Run at that speed every time we train. Push yourself and you'll do good." They nod.

"Thank you Luna." Jack says.

"Jenna. Call me Jenna." I say. They nod and walk into the group of warriors wolves and join into the now spaces out line.

We stretched for another 5 minutes then I sent everyone to get water. I stand by the edge of the woods waiting on the three. I let them get some water before coming here. I watch as the walk closer to me.

"Hey, ready?" I ask them.

"Where are we going?" Aaron asks.

"You'll see, we'll need to be a bit careful though. I'll explain when we get there." They nod. "You'll have to keep up with me now. We won't be shifting yet." They nod again. They must be nervous. They aren't really speaking much.

"Alright, lets go." I say as I turn around and run into the semi-dense woods. The boys follow close behind. We run for quite a while. I slow down as I notice a large valley up ahead. I stop and so do the boys.

"What are we doing here?" Aaron asks, looking into the valley.

"We're going to spend the night on the other side of the valley." I explain very simply. They gasp.

"But that's over the territory line." Clayton says, fear laced in his voice.

"Exactly. Shift and jump over the valley." I say as I shift into my smoky black fox. I shake my fur out, getting used to the wind in my fur. Vixie hasn't been out in quite a while.

'Good to be out' Vixie laughs.

'Yep.' I agree with her.

'Ready?' She asks me with excitement.

'Hell ya.' I yell to her. I can feel her smirk. She turns away from the valley and trot towards the tree line. She turns back to the valley. She bends down to where her stomach is touching the ground. She sprints towards the valley. Right as she is at the edge of the valley, she pushes off of her powerful back legs sending her flying over the deep, dark valley. I look straight ahead, careful not to look down incase I lose my momentum. My front paws land on the edge of the valley. Right as they hit I run up to get my back legs on solid ground too. I trot up so I could give room to the boys. I shift and look at them standing on the other side of the valley, amazement drawn on their faces.

"Your turn boys! Who's going first?" I yell at them. They look at each other. I walk up the edge of the valley so if they do t make far enough I can help them up.

"If you don't figure it out, I'll choose one of you!" I yell back. Clayton goes behind a tree and shifts, coming back out with his clothes in his mouth. He nods to the other two. They go behind trees too. While Jack and Aaron are shifting, Clayton runs and jumps over the vast valley. His front paws hit the ground just like mine and barely manages to get his back feet on the dirt. I nod at him. He nods back and goes behind a tree and shifts. The other two wolves from across the valley run and jump off the valley side. They sail through the air closer and closer to me. They both make it without falling into the valley. That's good so I don't have to explain a mishap to their parents and Daniel.

The other two wolves shifted and walked up to me. "Nice jobs guys. Let's go deeper into the woods some more and I'll find us a spot to camp out for tonight."

"Okay Jenna." They agree as we begin to walk into the dense wood.

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