Chapter 2 Part 1 : Randy's Past

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Draco's POV:

I watched as Randy entered the school halls, his bag slumped over his shoulder and his head held high despite all the whispering and looks pointed his way. I've always thought he was a brave guy and I admired him for it. I didn't like that he got bullied and I didn't understand why he wouldn't fight back either, unlike the rest of the school I knew that he was strong and could take on anyone. I've watched him train with his brothers a few times, yes I stalked him. He was quite cute too, with his curly hair that was usually covering his eyes. I wanted to stand up for him but I couldn't and no, it's not because I'm afraid of getting beat up, teased or losing my place in the popularity pyramid besides I'm the next beta, people naturally suck up to me. I didn't stand up for him because I knew he could and I didn't feel like standing up for someone wh could while there were plenty of people who needed someone to stand up for them and they genuinely couldn't do it themselves.

"Hey fag, glad to have you back." I heard Connor say. Fuck what an idiot, he doesn't even realise that Randy could kill him without breaking a sweat. I hate what they've done to him and I'm surprised they haven't broken him yet. People don't realise that it's not the beatings that break a person but the constant belittling and name calling. Nothing cuts deeper than hateful words, a physical scar can heal easily especially for us wolves but an emotional scar takes longer, sometimes it even festers and eventually rots, taking the surrounding places with it. Take a hardened criminal for instance, you can beat him up all you want and he might not even flinch but threaten his loved  ones and he'll crumble like Germany's wall. Why? Because the thought of losing them would be that great.

"Oh honey, it's great to be back. I'm glad you're happy about my return, you're such a darling," Randy coos back sweetly making me chuckle under my breath. Randy and his smart mouth, I swear that kid is a masochist and an idiot, a brave one but an idiot nonetheless. "why, you piece of shit. I swear I'll bash your head in this time, don't u ever call me darling again."

"Whatever you say darling," Randy coos as he makes his way to his locker. The look on Connor's face was priceless, I'm surprised at the fact that he still gets surprised by Randy's come backs. The kid has been talking back at him ever since he started bullying him. Connor and Randy used to be friends when they were younger, you'd never find one without the other along with Seth. They were the three musketeers until Randy got outted. The whole school turning on him I could understand and quite honestly, I expected but never those two and never for them to bully him. It's really sad what Randy has gone through, I saw him go through his secret phase, his denial phase and finally his acceptance phase but none were as hard as the first two. I could see how confused he was and how unsure of himself he was, he was no longer the happy kid I knew but had turned into a shell of his former self. I guess people don't realise how difficult being different really is, it's not necessarily about the world accepting you but about accepting yourself. You try forcing yourself to be someone you're not just so the world can accept you and by so doing you're not giving yourself the opportunity to be you and happy. Having to act everyday and everywhere and even with those closest to you is really hard and people make it harder when you finally accept yourself and they shun you for it. It's especially difficult in a pack because wolves are naturally loving and family animals so when your family turns on you, they crumble every single thing you've ever believed in, you start questioning whether you're good enough and who would ever love you if your own family doesn't. I know all this because I'm bisexual myself, it might not be as hard on me because I'm not fully gay and because I once again am future beta but those three stages affected me just as much as they did him but I didn't go through the whole shunning and bullying as he did.

I'd watch him hide by the river everytime someone beat him up or made him cry so his family wouldn't see him like that and worry about him. Some of the pack members including Seth and Connor would use him as a punching bag, quite literally since the one in the gym had broken at the time. But what made him cry was all the insults they hurled at him especially those which came from the people he considered his best friends. They'd even gone as far as lacing a whip with silver and whipping his back, leaving two ugly scars. He had run away for a week so they could heal and on his return I heard him tell Mia that he spent all that time in the forest with no food, water or blankets luckily he was able to hunt down a few rabbits but he couldn't get water because he was in no mans land and couldn't afford going into our pack borders lest someone smells his scent and find him. What angered me the most was that he ran so he could protect them from getting punished and they didn't give a damn about him.

I made my way to Seth who just happened to be standing with Connor. "Honestly Connor, you guys have to lay off Randy. You put him in the hospital for crying out loud, you're lucky you're still breathing because we both know you won't be doing much of that once his brothers find out it was you." I saw him pale and inwardly smiled to myself. He might be tough and a dumb jock but he's not stupid, even he knows not to mess with Randy's brothers but what he doesn't know is that he shouldn't mess with Randy either. I heard Seth slightly chuckle as he pushed Connor into a locker, "Oooh, you're gonna be in so much shit, I think I'll go tell them myself just so I get the pleasure of watching it go down, I'm pretty sure they'll even give me front row seats seeing as I'd have been the one to deliver your ass to them." Connor visibly shivered and gave Seth a pained look, "You wouldn't let that happen right Seth?" "I'm sorry buddy, I may be future alpha and strong but even I know when I'm no match. You'll be on your own besides I told you to take it easy. Never hit him in places people can see and never hit him enough to be unconscious." "I seriously can't believe you two, Randy used to be your best friend and now you're practically making his life a living hell all because he's gay?" I practically shouted, "And you Seth, you call yourself future alpha but what alpha does what you're doing to their own pack member more importantly someone who used to be your best friend? You don't deserve to be alpha." I said as I turned on Seth but he grabbed me by the throat and shoved me into the locker, "You better watch how you talk to me Draco, I'm still your future alpha," he sneered. "Yes, future. You're not my alpha yet, I hope you find that your mate is a guy," I sneered back as I shoved his hand and walked away.

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