Ch 3 Part 2: Rejection

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Randy's POV

"Ladies and gentleman, I welcome you here today to join in on the festivities of my son's birthday and coronation. Hopefully he finds his mate today too," alpha said while addressing the crowd. Turning to his son, he motioned him forward, "Happy birthday son now all you need to do is connect with your wolf, relax and let him sniff out his mate. He will lead you directly to your mate, you just need to trust him. It is 5 minutes to midnight, take this 5 minutes to calm yourself and relax, good luck son,"

I stood on and watched with the rest of the pack and the RMP, although admittedly Mia and I are the only ones who don't seem to be excited. Speak of the devil, she nudged my side and said, "So when are we leaving cause I promise you I am not staying here to watch him run this pack to the ground and don't you for one second think you're staying behind because we both know how terrible an idea that is. I do hope you packed or else you are leaving everything behind, we will not waste any unnecessary second in this hell hole, am I clear?"

I rolled my eyes at her and looked heaven upward, asking the moon goddess why she would befriend me with such a creature, "Yes mother, I packed all my stuff, spoke to my family and even got the alpha to release me from the pack on the conditions that I visit every now and then and that I be present at Seth's coronation, why I have no idea but whatever."

"Great minds do think alike, I did the exact same thing, didn't your family freak out though?" she asked with a look of curiosity and a smirk on her lips.

"No need to look so smug, of course it was a feat all on its own, I have no idea how I managed to pull that one off actually. Drats, I should have recorded it as proof and sent it to all local stations, that was one for the books."

Before she could reply, the air around the area changed and for some reason Alaister was all over the place, setting my nerves on edge. He urged me to look to the stage and it was at that moment I wished I could have declined the alpha's insistence that I join the coronation because at that moment he said something that killed me a hundred times over. Why moon goddess are you so cruel to me, of all the wolves on this Earth, you had to pair me up with Seth? I realised then that his wolf had noticed me and stupidly announced it for everyone to hear as if it was the best thing in the world. When our eyes connected once more, I shook my head furiously and took a step backward which caught the crowds attention. The older wolves looked at me with pride while the younger wolves just stared at me with disgust. I was too busy taking in the crowd to notice that his wolf had made its way to me and was now standing in front of me.

I looked at him sadly because even though he could have helped me all those times and stopped Seth, he still was not the one to torture me. He seemed to have caught on to what I was about to do and looked at me pleadingly. I shook my head and stared at him, "I Roman Randy Ambrose, future luna of the Howling Blood Moon Pack, reject you Seth Orton Banks, future alpha of the Howling Blood Moon Pack as my mate and alpha."

There was a collective gasp that came from the crowd but I couldn't focus on them while I felt like my heart was being ripped right out of my chest, falling to my knees I also heard Seth let out a cry of pain.

My family including Seth's parents ran straight to us, my brothers picked me up and took me to the alpha's office while he took Seth. I was in too much pain to concentrate on the crowd but I saw a few of the teenagers look on with shame and pity, who those emotions were for I had no clue.

As soon as we reached the office my mom hugged me tightly, my dad started firing questions, Mia and my brothers glared at Seth while the alpha and luna looked on. We were quite the sight, I can imagine.

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