Ch 3 Part 4 : Revelations

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Randy's POV

I was still lying on the floor with the women hugging me closely to them, I guess hoping that they could somehow take away the memories through close contact or erase the entire ordeal. Unfortunately for us all, life doesn't work that way. No matter how hard we may want to, we simply cannot undo the past nor can we forget it, not with the scars as constant reminders.

"Baby, why didn't you tell either of us or better yet, fight back and put a stop to it?" my mom asked me with tears still trailing down her cheeks and landing in my hair.

"How could I mom, it was too horrible for me to share? I did not want to taint your memories of the beloved pack you grew up in and besides, I didn't realise until it was too late. I always hoped that they would all realise their mistakes, apologise to me and we could all move on. I knew that what was happening to me was not right but I kept convincing myself that it wasn't that bad, that other people had it worse. Until I couldn't stomach the look of myself, not until I knew I was broken beyond repair and then I realised that there would be no point in it all. I was already broken, there was no hope for me so why drag you all into it?"

I finally managed to look around me and noticed that due to the havoc my growls had been wreaking, the entire pack had gathered outside the Alpha's office, well what used to his office. The adults had solemn faces while some teenagers had shameful looks and others had tears in their eyes along with the women. The adults also had questioning looks on their faces because even though they understood that I was bullied, they still had no clue on what the bullying actually entailed. The Raging Moon Pack had looks of disappointment in their eyes because how could pack members treat their own that way and what did it say about the pack if the adults, luna and alpha didn't notice? There was an uncomfortable silence in the room, one would definitely hear a pin drop.

I did not like the attention I was gaining, ever since the bullying started, I had always been cast aside and the only time I was ever thrust in the limelight was when I was being bullied. To say I was nervous and uncomfortable would be an understatement but it was better this way, at least this way I could address the entire pack and not just a few handful meaning my story would only have to be told once and hopefully, it would be necessary change.

Plucking up all the courage I could master, I stood up and addressed the crowd. "As you all would have gathered by now, I was bullied by the teenagers in the pack except for a few handful and my top bullies were my former best friends who include the alpha who also happens to be my mate." At that statement, there was a collective gasp in the crowd but boy were they about to lose it after my next revelation. "Due to this, I have decided that I'm leaving the pack and I'm also rejecting my mate." When I said they were going to lose it, I didn't think I could possibly underestimate that remark because they went ballistic. Mothers were full on crying, mates looked heartbroken, the adults were devastated, the teenagers looked sorrowful and the elders looked panicked. Without a luna, the pack cannot function and everyone knew that.

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