Ch 4 Part 1

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Randy's POV:

"So where exactly are we heading?" Mia asked as she drove past the pack borders.

I exhaled as I looked out the window, "Do we really need a fixed place in mind, I think we should just travel and let our souls guide us to our destinations."

"Well my soul is telling me to feed my body because somebody just had to cause a commotion before I could eat," she said as she gave me a side ways glance filled with disgust, "Couldn't you have at least waited until we ate? I got a glimpse at the menu and walked past the kitchen before the ceremony, I would have at least liked to sample the food."

Of course she would focus on the food, it was Mia we were dealing with here. Everything else comes second to food, growing up with her, I had to devour my food the second it hit my plate or else she would have stolen half of it.

"Thank the Goddess for werewolf metabolism or else you would be obese by now and at risk of health issues," I grumbled as I gave her my infamous unamused glance.

"You're not one to talk, Goddess knows I had to wrestle you for seconds on numerous occasions and the fact that I was female didn't stop you from giving me all you got," she grumbled in return.

"You wrestle like a man and you don't play fair either, besides, I apologise for wanting to eat. It's not like I was a growing boy or anything."

Mia hit the brakes and turned to me with a glare so vicious, it would have anyone shaking in their boots. I heard my wolf whimper at her glare and distance himself from me, taking himself to the furthest parts of my brain. Honestly, he is such a coward. Although looking at her unrelenting glare, I'd say he had the perfect idea, if only I could ghost myself too. I guess I should be making nice with her now before she murdered my ass in the most violent and painful way.

"Mia, honey, let's be calm now okay. I don't think we want to have any incidents in this car. Besides, we're on our own for the first time in our lives, isn't that awesome?" I asked as I inched myself away from her and using a soothing tone so as to not anger her further. "How about we find a nice place for the night and I make you my famous pork ribs with mashed potatoes and corn?"

I released the breath I didn't know I'd held when she eased back into her seat and resumed driving with a smile on her face. Appealing to her love for food is always the best thing to do when she's seconds away from hurting me. I get to live another day, thank Goddess. Alaistair, my wolf, scoffed at that one.

"Oh, look who decided to show up. Nice to know you have my back buddy," I said sarcastically.

Not when you make stupid decisions that get you into trouble and especially not against Mia, she's vicious and she did threaten to use my fur as a mat the one time I stupidly decided to help you

I couldn't contain my chuckle at the memory, "That was hilarious."

"And he wonders why I don't help him," he grumbled as he closed our connection.

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