The Aftershock

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Okay so I'm South African and I speak 6 out of the 11 spoken languages fluently and 3 on a proficient level. I want to incorporate this in my story, I'll mainly use SePedi which is my native language but I will include translations too.

I haven't written in a while so please forgive me if this part is as good, I'm still trying to get back into the groove of things. I do hope you enjoy it.

Please do leave a comment letting me know how you feel about the chapter and don't forget to vote.


Stephanie's POV

The entire room was filled with nothing but gloom, their emotions suffocating me and making me furious. These were the people who hurt my baby and scarred him for life, the very same people I trusted with my life, people I would die for but ended up killing my son on the inside. I felt like a terrible mother, I wasn't there for him, I didn't notice his pain and he couldn't confide in me, he didn't think he could come to me for help, it broke my heart. There was nothing but silence in the room as though we were mourning the death of someone dear to us, in a sense we were. He may not be dead physically but he was dead in every other sense. The longer I stayed in this room, the angrier I became, the pain fuelling my anger to extraordinary proportions.

Seth's POV

I couldn't stand to be here, my mate just rejected me and left and nobody did anything to stop him. Ares was not making things any easier, he was furious at me and blamed me. I'm not gay and I was not going to mate with another guy, the moon goddess be damned. It's good he ran away like the coward he was or else I would have made his life a living hell, what I had done to him wouldn't compare to what I was going to do to him, maybe I should have prevented him from leaving. I enjoy torturing him, the sadistic part of me craves it.

I was so deep in thought, I didn't see the slap coming until I felt it. I looked up to find his mother looking at me with pure unadulterated rage in her eyes.

"Ne ke ntsie ke tseba gore go nale bobe fao lefaseng le gore go nale batho ba babe eupsa be nka se tsoge ke naganile gore o k aba o motee wa bona. Ne nka se tsoge ke lorile bobe bjo o bontsitsego mosemane waka. Le nrobile pelo, ke hwa ganyane ge ke nagana bohloko bjo mosemane waka a bo kwileng matsogong ga lena." she spoke softly to me with tears running down her face, even though I did not understand a word she said, I felt her pain and Ares whimpered in my mind. I almost buckled from the pain I felt through our bond.

Her great-grandfather came to our pack from South Africa, running away from the unrest due to apartheid in the country. Fortunately, he met his mate in our pack and they had children, he made sure to tell them about their heritage and taught them all the languages he spoke. This was passed down from generation to generation.

It seemed she wasn't through because she turned her eyes to the pack and made sure to look each of them in the eyes before speaking. "Ga ke tsebe gore ke sebe sefe se mosemane waka a se dirilego go lena eupsa ga gona lebaka le le ka swarelago mediro ya lena. Ke gore ga lena le ka ditlhong le be le nyaka gore ga se sepele le ntsie le tseba tseo le modirilego. Ke kgale le sa monyake, bjalo o sepetse, ke tshepa gore le thabile. Le ya nswabisa, ga ke nyake le go le lebelela, le menkgo ya lena ga ke nyake kgauswi le nna." With those parting words, she turned on her heels and left.

It was evident that nobody had understood a word she had uttered except her family and so we all turned to them for answers. It was only fair that we understand what she had to say after what we had done.

Matthew sighed from pain and exhaustion, it was clear he didn't want to be anywhere near us nor did he want to speak to us but his sons had left with their mother, therefore there was nobody else left to translate.

He rubbed his eyes and looked at me, "She said that she knew there was evil in the world and that there were evil people but she never thought you would be one of them. She would never have dreamed of the evil you showed her son. You broke her heart and she dies a little when she thinks of what you put her son through."

Turning to the crowd he continued, "She said that she does not know what sin her son may have committed against you but there is no reason that would forgive your actions. You weren't even ashamed of yourselves when you wanted him to stay after what you had done to him. You've wanted him gone for a long time and now he is, I hope you're happy. I'm ashamed of you and I don't want to see any of you, I don't even want to smell you." With that said, he too turned and left the same way his family had.

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