Ch 3 Part 7

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Randy's POV

I did not like the drastic turn this took, it was far easier to blame her and the pack for everything that I had been through but now I had to take some responsibility and it was unsettling. You know when you've gone your whole life believing in something only to find that it wasn't as it seemed? One piece of information can change everything and quite literally flip your whole life upside down.

"As much as that may be true and as much as I may have played a role in my own victimisation, can you really blame me though? You were my family, family is meant to take care of each other not the reason you need to be taken care of. I did what I did to protect myself, what does it say about the pack that I felt it necessary to go through it alone than to seek help from any of you, especially you being the luna?" I asked as her stared her down, disappointment evident in my eyes.

"I honestly can't do it, I can't lead any of you and I most definitely cannot accept Seth. As selfish as it may sound, I need to do what's best for me. You're asking me to look past my abuse as if it were a mere inconvenience, as if your well-being is more important than my own. You're asking me to put you before myself and that just proves to me what kind of people you really are. You still don't care about me and I doubt if you ever will be. I don't want to stick around to find out, I am leaving and nobody is going to stop me."

Pack members grew agitated by my words, they looked tired a few minutes ago cause we had been standing in my chaos quite literally and figuratively for hours but now they seemed rejuvenated. I could feel their burning stares on me, if looks could kill, I'd be killed a thousand times over, resuscitated and killed all over again. They looked at me with anger, disappointment and sadness.

One bold member stepped forward and I recognised him as one of the warriors who even though never laid a hand on me, did nothing to help me either which is just as bad if you asked me.

"You're our luna, you're supposed to put the pack first not. .." I cut him off with a growl because he could continue, "and you're a pack warrior, you're supposed to protect pack members, did you once protect me over the years?" He fidgeted on the spot, clearly embarrassed. "Yea, I didn't think so," I spat with a scowl on my face, "So please, don't tell me what specific rank members are meant to do when you clearly weren't leading by example. Next time you feel like criticising or taking the high road, make sure you aren't guilty of the crimes you want to charge people for."

I turned around and took the members in, making sure I looked each of them in the eyes, "Anyone else of you pompous, judgmental asses have anything to say? I've got years of insults saved for each of you, don't make me leave without dishing them out, it would be a waste really." They looked at me as if I had lost my mind, which wouldn't surprise me really cause living with them has caused my brain cells to deteriorate for sure.

"Randy! This is not the time nor place for your attempt at a comedic career," my mom shouted. "On the contrary mother, this is the perfect time and place for just that. I've let them walk all over me long enough and I've just about had it," I gave her my most innocent and charming smile but looking at her, I could tell she wasn't having any of it. Okay, so tough crowd.

The old alpha cleared his throat and looked at me, he had been awfully quiet and it unnerved me. "I don't know what you've been through nor would I understand even if you told me but I do know pain and hurt. I know that pain makes us do and say things we normally wouldn't and that it takes time to get over the hurt. We will not stop you from leaving, I only ask that you return back to us once you've healed." He looked at me with sadness in his eyes, with a twinge of regret. I know that it was not easy for him and warmed my heart.

"I do not know what I will find or how long it will take and I cannot promise to return as your luna or even a pack member but I promise to return once I've healed, even if it's for a little while."

I turned to my family and gave each of them a hug, "This is your pack and I never wanted to be the reason for you to hate it or leave so please stay and take care of the pack. I can handle myself and besides, I will have Mia with me." They laughed and engulfed me in a group hug, "I love you guys. Always and forever." "To the moon and back," they chorused.

I said my goodbyes to Mia's family and went to my room to get my things. On the way down I bumped into Seth, to say he was angry would be an understatement. His father, mine and my brothers held him back as Mia and I left. The entire place was engulfed in silence, you would have thought we were laying someone to rest or going towards our deaths. I looked at the pack house one more time, took a deep breath and got into my car and drove off, leaving my past in the dust.

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