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luke was following his band mates off stage after the show. he was tired, sweaty and his body ached but it had been an incredible performance for him. as soon as he reached the dressing room michael was handing him a cold bottle of beer.

luke found his phone in the mess of a room and sat down on one of the black leather couches to check if he had any messages or notifications. all that was there was a missed call off victoria with an indication of a voicemail but he ignored it for the time being knowing it wouldn't be important (he was hoping for nudes after the way he had been turned on earlier from how hot she looked).

she was currently ten hours behind him but he hadn't been on his phone all day which was why he had missed her call at around lunchtime for him.

"why haven't i met this victoria chick yet?" michael asked.

ashton and calum had been questioning luke about her over the past few days trying to find out his intentions and more about vic herself but luke wasn't spilling anything. michael had complained a few times that he hadn't been introduced yet but that was only because he was the only one that hadn't barged into luke's room when she was there.

"dude she's so hot" ashton commented from the other side of the room.

that pissed luke off straight away.

"don't even think about it" he mumbled not looking up from his phone.

"mate she calls herself a groupie. aren't groupies meant to sleep with loads of famous people, not just one?"

luke glanced at ashton and michael who were both laughing.

"she wouldn't go for any of you anyway" luke scoffed gathering up his things to shower then get back on the bus.

once he had washed and redressed he was led to the tour bus with his bag slung over his shoulder. the others were still inside somewhere but luke couldn't care less at that moment in time; they had annoyed him, mainly ashton, but he still didn't feel like dealing with any of their shit.

he lay on his bed then got out his phone to listen to the voicemail.

"hey there. m'really drunk..."

luke was smiling at the sound of victoria's slurred voice until he got to the next part of the message and his heart sank.

"have you kissed anyone? i kissed someone and i wish i hadn't because they're not you"

he most definitely hadn't been with anyone else in the past few days and it hurt him that victoria had although she had been extremely intoxicated. it was only a kiss but it still upset him, he somewhat wished she'd never mentioned it.

"i'm in a taxi but i just want to be with you. like, in your bed because you don't want a girlfriend and i don't want a boyfriend so i'll just have to keep on sleeping with you but i guess thats okay. its better than nothing y'know"

hearing the sad tone in victoria's voice made him want to be with her in that moment. she sounded vulnerable and he just hoped she got into her apartment alright.

he finished listening to the voicemail and lay in silence for a few moments.

gonna go to sleep soon, i'll call you when i wake up. hope you're feeling okay x

he heard the others file onto the bus and headed to the couches to join them for a few beers. calum was gushing about the show whilst michael was trying to explain the rules of a game he bought at the airport.

"hey man i'm sorry if i pissed you off. y'know i was just messing with you" ashton apologised when the conversation died down.

luke shrugged taking a swig from the tall bottle he was holding.

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