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"you're so stubbly" vic pouted as she kissed luke, "m'gonna get beard burn"

"should i shave?"

"no i love when you have facial hair. it'll have grown out enough in a few days to stop being scratchy"

the morning sun shined bright through the windows, both of them having failed to shut the blinds last night. luke brushed a stray eyelash off victoria's cheek and held it in front of her face on the tip of his pointer finger.

"make a wish" he whispered.

ever since being a child luke had followed the superstition of blowing away fallen lashes and making a wish. he wasn't sure if he believed that it worked but even in his twenties he would never stop doing it; too many childhood wishes had come true to stop now.

vic closed her eyes and blew lightly making the tiny hair disappear. she kept them squeezed shut for a few quiet moments.

luke didn't know what she was wishing for, nor did he want to know - if she told him it wouldn't come true of course. when they regained eye contact vic grinned. he gave her a curious look but she just shook her head.

"what you doing today?" she asked as she massaged his head. his eyes were rolling shut again at the relaxing action.

"was gonna invite the boys and some friends over later, maybe. if that's okay with you?"

"babe it's your house, they're your friends. you having them round is nothing to do with me"

victoria had sat up slightly and started to braid his long strands of hair. when he'd first started growing it out she hadn't been a fan but now was a whole new story.

"ask mel and the other girls to come round as well. i'll get some food and drink in"

"mmm okay i'll text them"

victoria hadn't seen mel for a few weeks, her best friend had been on vacation and vic had been around luke's a lot of the time during that period so she hadn't seen her other friends for a while either.

it had been quite lonely at times. luke and his bandmates had had a sudden burst of inspiration and spent a solid week in the studio at the start of the month. she'd heard him on the phone to his mother telling her that they were going to be releasing a new one-off single soon, something about not being ready to record a full album yet but eager to produce new music.

luke's stomach rumbled prompting them both to haul themselves from the comfort of his bed to get some breakfast. vic picked from the obscene amount of cereal luke had in the pantry. he was trying to decide between bacon and sausage to have on a sandwich, in the end deciding on both.

they poured themselves a mug of coffee each, vic perching herself up on the island to watch luke using the stove. he spilled oil over the countertop, cursing to himself at the mess he was making.

when victoria cooked or cleaned at home alone she would always have music on whether it be the radio or her music through a speaker. with luke there was no need. he was always humming tunes, muttering lyrics or singing loudly. today was no different. once he'd wiped down the surfaces and got back to frying his breakfast the singing began.

victoria set her now empty bowl aside and reached for an apple from the fruit bowl that sat in the centre of the island.

"d'ya want any of this?" luke asked gesturing towards the pan with the kitchen tongues. she shook her head refusing the offer.

luke stepped over to vic and pecked her lips.

"what was that for?"

"you just looked cute" he grinned turning to fully face her.

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