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A week passed since Noah's school underwent specific events and since then the school has been closed due to a heavy amount of parents demanding more security around the school. Ayanna, being one of those parents, decided just to check out some other schools just in case. It's not that Noah's current school was bad it was the feeling of almost loosing the child she spent over six hours in labor with. She herself knew that without Noah she'd never be able to do half the things she had done, because everything she does do is for him. We know that every mother wants the best for their child and that's exactly what Ayanna is trying to achieve for Noah.
Since the school lockdown Ayanna choose to work at home just have Noah in range of eyesight. You could say she was paranoid, but who wouldn't be? Then again she was a little too much. Her mother had to force Ayanna to let Noah outside just to play with the little neighborhood boys. Soon enough Camilla knew her daughter needed to get out of the house and spend a little time away from Noah, but with the insurance of his safety.

"Okay Mama I'm off for work. Noah? Please stay close to your grandmother please."

It was about 6 in the morning and Noah was hooked onto his grandmother's leg, rubbing his eyes. Ayanna awed at the child and again the feeling of wanting to stay with him rushed back, but she couldn't. Quickly turning her back to her mother and child Ayanna exited her home heading to work.
At work not many people brought up recent event, they actually all thought she'd been out with a cold. Ayanna choose to go with that story instead of having to re-tell the story of how she'd almost lost they only person worth living for in her life. Only Daphne knew, because we all know the poor woman tried desperately to run in her heels to help her friend.

"Hey doll face."

Daphne greeted as she saw Ayanna exit to elevator onto the floor they worked on. She dropped whatever she was doing to hug Ayanna. Ayanna couldn't help, but smile she was happy to have Daphne. If it weren't for Daphne Ayanna probably would been oblivious to the fact to her child was in danger so thanks to Daphne she was on her high horse and out the door.

"How's the little one?"

"He doing alright. He's probably happy that I'm out of the house and not watching his every move."

Ayanna joked as she took her sat at her desk. While she turned on her computer she looked through all the files on her desk. It look as if the office went through a tornado and hurricane all at once.

"Well sweet pea the office has been a hot mess! Don't know how Mr. Hot Stuff got through the week."

A little ping of guilt hit Ayanna as she thought of how hard the week must've been for Mr. Rinaldi. Then the guilt grew when she remembered that he had been the one to get her child to safety and she had not yet thanked him.

"Daph? Is Mr. Rinaldi in?"

"Don't know. Isn't he your problem?"

Daphne smirked at Ayanna, throwing a wink her way before turning off to do her daily work. She was right, Mr. Rinaldi was Ayanna's responsibility, somewhat. After all she was his PA.
Getting up from her seat she made her way to the two big black double doors. Knocking once she was immediately welcomed into the office that lay behind the two doors. Inside Ayanna almost had a heart attack and it was because of Mr. Rinaldi. The way he say back in his chair like the boss he was with his suit top slightly unbuttoned. His perfectly shaped jawline was clenched and you could tell his upper body was well built by the muscles bulging out from his shirt.

"Ms. Ojukwu?"

Snapped from her daze Ayanna put a halt to her naughty thoughts and resumed back to reality.

"Uh my apologies for my absence and also my lack of gratitude."


"For saving my son. Thank you so much for that, nothing could express how grateful I am."

"No need, I'm pretty sure anyone would've done the same."

Mentally cursing under her breath Ayanna was practically melting under Mr. Rinaldi's stare, but it was the devilish smirk on his face that got her.

"Well uh I-I guess I'll be getting back to work."

Thinking she was about to get away from the handsome devil and be able to catch her breath Mr. Rinaldi stopped Ayanna.

"Actually, Ms. Ojukwu, you could repay me."

Stopping in her track Ayanna turned back towards Mr. Rinaldi who's grin was now twice the size as before.

"A date, just one. Friday afternoon seven p.m. sharpe."

Debating his offer in her mind, Ayanna wanted to quickly decline the offer, but than again what could one date possibly do. Also he did happen to save her child and a bonus, he was fine as can be.

"Seven p.m. sharpe."


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