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I was angry, no I was furious. The hate that settled within my heart felt like hell's inferno and I myself felt as if I was on fire. I couldn't believe what I was seeing with my two eyes and I also didn't want to believe it either. Here standing before me was my woman, dressed a little too beautiful saying she was going out without me or any means of protection. The only man she should be dressing for like this is me and I wasn't the one taking her out tonight. Supposedly her little friend, Daphane, and she were going out to explore the 'Italian Nightlife'. I quickly tried to interject and tell her how completely boring it was, but she had her mindset and was going. Of course, I offered to go with her or give her some protection detail, but she declined.

"You don't need to worry about me. You have a son who you need to catch up with, you have a whole weekend with him don't let it go to waste. Now Noah give momma some kisses."

She turned to our son and bent down to give him a hug and kiss. It almost took me out how great her bum looked in her outfit because I knew of all the lust-filled stares she was going to get and some were going to be bold enough to even approach her. After giving our son a goodbye she turned to me and once again thanked me then turned to leave. I watched as she got into her car and drove away. I wanted to call her back and demand she not go alone, but she was right I had a priority, but that didn't mean I wasn't going to have eyes on her. Taking out my phone I turned on the tracking device on her car and sent out a security detail of four men to follow her to whatever establishment she would end up at and watch her from a distance. Yeah, it seemed all a bit of extreme, but my mother and ex were out there and war is brewing, I can not and will not lose her to any casualties of my mother's rath.

"Uh, Mister?"


I looked down at the small boy who looked back at me with scrunched eyebrows and a confused filled face.

"You alright?"

"Yes son, why do you ask?"

"Because you're typing into your phone as if you just got into a twitter beef with Donald Trump."

I couldn't withhold the shock when he said that because one, why does he know about twitter and two, how does he even know about Trump.

"Also can we not stand here all day, I was promised coca puffs and I'm not to keen with broken covenants."

Who in the heck taught him such vocabulary?! I know St. Helena's is a great school, but not so great that it could be having small children speaking like political figures.

"You're right lets get you some coca puffs."

I said leading him in the direction of the kitchen.

"Oh, and do you happen to have almond milk? My body doesn't take to well to lactose, it can cause some intense bowel movement."

I actually stopped dead in my tracks to look back at the child in shock. No way was this a kid, this was a full-fledged man. What an interesting weekend this will be.


Leaving Marco's house my nerves started to go up in a frenzy, I was about to do something I was totally not cut out for and it could possibly be the end of me. I just had to keep in the back of my mind that this was what was best for my son and push through. Getting into my car I remembered the specific instructions left for me and drove to downtown around the clubs and bars. I knew Marco would be tailing me with the car's GPS and the men that not to sneakily followed behind me. Per my instructions, I entered the nightclub that sat near the corner of the street and began to look for Daphane. She too knew what was up and was solely here to find out answers to her own questions as was I. Daphne sat near the bar and once she laid eyes on me she threw up two peace signs. Most would've thought that was just her way of greeting me, but that was code. Going up to her and hugging her I took it as a chance to speak to her.

"As she arrived yet?"

"Of course not darlin!"

She exclaimed to keep up with our cover. That was a good sign because if the person we were waiting noticed the four men sent by Marco this entire operation would go to waste. So Daph and I had from now to until the person expected arrived to get rid of them.

"Shall we dance? You know to lose a few nerves."

I said hoping she would catch onto what I meant and luckily she did. Taking a shot of whatever she had ordered before I came Daphne nodded and we both made our way to the dance floor. Of course, the four men moved in sync with us and that right there was a rookie mistake, but we took it to our advantage. If they lost us in the crowd of people by the time the person we waited on arrived we could easily get done what we came here for over with. Daphne and I decided to split up in the crowd but planned to meet near the restrooms, but it had to be calculated. We couldn't move too fast and not too slow, we had to pace ourselves and that what we did, in our own time it took less than five minutes to confuse the men entirely as bodies got closer and closer and the pit of the dance floor closed them in. This enabled Daphne and me a clean escape to the restroom, but just as we made it to the door there right around the corner was our dear friend.

"Well seems like you two aren't ones for punctuality."

"Not our fault."

"We had to shake a few nerves off."

"Well, I hope there all gone because he's ready for you."

Both Daphne and I looked at each other and grabbed each other hands. Yes, we were a little scared, but we had already come this far, what's a few more steps?

"For Noah."

I whispered to myself as my feet began to move following the messenger in front of us. They turned the corner and walked down a long hallway leading outside to the back of the club. Of course, we followed and once outside a car waited, inside the car Daphne and I went letting the driver drive us to where we both believed what we were looking was to be found.

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