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It wasn't until the following Wednesday when Ayanna and Daphne went back to work. There was a slight change in Daphne's behavior when she notice a certain someone no longer coming to her doorstep. So she allowed Ayanna to go home and finally see her awaiting family who were anxious to see their beloved. Also as Daphne returned to her normal state of mind some work was done in her home at the request of Mr. Rinaldi. Let's just say now that Mr. Rinaldi had eyes on Daphne as well.
With the two ladies finally returning to work Mr. Rinaldi played as if everything were normal, when really he was planning something that'll turning heads and definitely turn not only all of Sicily, but the whole of Italy over. He may have looked calm on the inside, but on the inside he was raging and no one could ease the storm erupting within him, well except for one person. Gracefully she walks into his office and all of a sudden there is a certain calm that enters Marco Rinaldi.

"Mr. Rinaldi you have a call coming in from Sweden."

"It can wait. For now shut the door and come closer."

Hesitantly Ayanna closed his office door and walked up to his desk. As she approached his desk, Marco took in her every aspect he could. Yes he did this practically each day, but it were as if it never got old and everything about her were brand new.


Ayanna could help, but allow herself to smile as she walked around Marco's desk to the point where she was standing in front of the man. Not being able to control himself Marco immediately reached out, pulling Ayanna into his lap.

"I believe you owe me a date Ms. Ojukw0."

"I do? I don't re call."

Ayanna responded, playing with the grown man's heart strings. Though he knew she was all jokes he still felt a little ping of pain.

"Saturday morning, 8 in the morning. It may be a little early, but like I said I wanted to do something a little different."

He smirked at Ayanna as she looked at him with wondering eyes, but didn't question, only nodded. They sat there staring at each other for a minute before there was a knock at the door. Hearing the knock Ayanna quickly removed herself from Marco's lap and started checking herself over. Marco only reminded calmed and smirked leaning back in his seat.
Taking a deep breath Ayanna walked over to the door, opening it to welcome in a beautiful mocha colored woman. In her mind, Ayanna couldn't help but think a little negative. Marco was a handsome man and the woman who stood in front of her was undoubtedly gorgeous. Not saying a word, Ayanna gave the woman a small smile and exited the office. Marco on the other hand watched, noticing the small flash of jealousy in her eyes made him get a little excited, she was his.

"She's pretty."

Said the woman as she closed Marco's door, making herself comfortable in one of the two seats that sat in front of Marco's desk.

"She a new toy?"

"How are you Kiara?"

Seeing Marco ignore her questions and still maintain a smile on his face, set off a light in her head.

"Is that her?!"

Kiara stood from her seat running over to the small door, almost tripping over her own feet.

"Good Lord she's gorgeous. No wonder you stayed loyal!"

Marco chuckled at his friend's remark.

"Have you done what I asked?"

"Come on Marc, do you even have to ask?"

Kiara walked back over to her seat, grabbing her bag. She pulled out a single folder from her bag and placed it in front of Marco.

"That's it?"

Marco asked in bewilderment, he'd asked for information and all he was getting was a single sheet.

"Exactly what I said. I've uncovered a new detail, that someone tried really hard to cover up and did not want me to find."

"What do you mean?"

"They've got a man on the inside and I'm not talking about our inside, but the federal government."

Taken a back by this Marco leaned back in his chair, trying to think. He needed something to punch back with, but he had nothing.

"We need to get you under protection, so you'll be staying with my brother. Also I want to double up security, it's time we start playing games as well."

"Stay with your whore of a brother, I think not. I can take care of myself."

"You said someone didn't want you finding that information, if they uncover you did your life can be at risk."


"Not this time Kiara. Get what you need and head over there."

Rolling her eyes real slow, Kiara gathered her things and got up from her seat leaving Marco's office slamming the door. Of course the slam caught everyone's attention, especially Ayanna, who'd be taking glancing at Marco's office since she left. Catching his attention from the window, Ayanna's eyes questioned his, but Marco only winked at her with a smirk. If only Ayanna knew what was about to unfold.

{above is Kiara}

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