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Ayanna was just itching for Saturday to come and when it did she was prancing about like a ballerina. Yes, people looked at her odd, but did she care? No. It had been years since she felt this feeling, this happiness. Only one man ever made her feel such a way.

— Flashback —

Ayanna stood casually, starring out at the sea on the dock. She was mesmerized by the beauty of the water, even when the harsh winds splashed her.

"Entra dentro bella." (Come inside beautiful.)

She heard his call from the end of the dock, but she couldn't understand. She only smiled and continued looking out at the sea. She tell a storm was coming and soon hard rain would pour.

"Mia bella!" (My beautiful!)

He yelled for her, but she still remained in her spot, which caused him to leave the shelter walking over to her. As he reached her he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close.

"Il mio amore, quello che è tanto interessante sul mare?" (My love, what's so interesting about the sea?)

Still not understanding she smiled and so did he as he pressed a soft kiss on her cheek. The two of them stood watching the waves.

"He'll be called Noah, just like the one in the Bible."

She spoke after a while of silence. He smiled at her rubbing his hand over her swollen belly that held his everything.

"He'll be the master of the seas!"

They both laughed smiling down at the unborn child.

"Ti vedi presto mio figlio." (See you soon my son.)

— End of Flashback —

She was dazed by the memory she hadn't realized it was time to pick up her son from his play date. Quickly snapping from her thoughts she gathered her things, leaving the office to get her son.
If she had taken a minute to stop she would've probably noticed Marco's eyes on her. They watched her intensely and he wondered what held her mind. He too had things on his mind from actual work to anticipating the next move of his mother. He knew his mother to be clever, but not as clever as he was. Still he knew he would have to have something ready for any attack she made, it wouldn't look good if he were to retaliate late.

"You're a Rinaldi, get it together."

He told himself as he stood from his chair. Beginning to pace he thought hard, before something hit him and soon and wide smile spread across his lips. Quickly picking up the phone he dialed a number and seconds later a voice answered.

"Get me the mole."

That was all he needed to say before he hung up the phone and grabbed for his jacket. It was no time to set up for the date he had with his lover in the morning.


"Daph you sure this isn't a little much?"

I looked over myself in the mirror for about the billionth time at the outfit Daphne had put together for my date with Marco.

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