Brother's Bandmate - Tristan Evans/The Vamps FanFic.

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First fan fiction people! Enjoy!!

4 years earlier...

I was walking home with my best friend, Brad, after school. He was coming to my house today. When we got back to mine my mum forced us to take our shoes off on the porch because she doesn't want any snow in the house. "Honestly, I don't understand why there is so much snow in November!" She complained. "Neither do I, darling." My dad replied from the armchair he was sat in reading his newpaper with his reading glasses balanced halfway down his nose. He always acted weird around Brad and I never understood why. I thought he would be more sympathetic towards Brad considering his dad walked out on him when he was just a baby. "Well, we'll be upstairs. Call me when dinner's ready!" I said to my mum dragging Brad up the stairs with me. I heard my dad mutter something under his breath but I couldn't figure out what it was so I decided to ignore it.

After about an hour there was a knock on my bedroom door. "Come in!" I almost shouted. My mum came in and asked, "Will Bradley be having dinner with us?" I sighed at the fact that she couldn't simply get on with Brads family. My family have never really socialised with Brads. I don't know why but I know that either way Brad and I will always be best friends, we always have been ever since I first moved to Birmingham when I was 2 and we were in nursery together. My mum always avoids Brads mum, my dad does too. It's weird and I was determined to find out why. I planned to ask at dinner when we were eating so nobody could leave. "Yes please" Brad replied to my mum. With that she left to cook dinner.

After another hour of Brad and I chatting about random stuff and watching tv together my mum called us all for dinner. There was a very awkward silence at the dinner table, so I decided to break the silience with the question. "Mum, Dad."

"Yes, Em" My mum replied.

"Why do you act so weird around Brad and his family?" I asked. Brad seemed to kind of shrink in his seat as he wasn't expecting me to randomly say this. My mum and dad seemed to do the complete opposite. My mum sat up slightly and my dad seemed to get very tense. "Why do you say that, Emily? Of course we don't act weird around them!" My mum replied.

"Yes, mum, you do. Brad and I have been friends forever and he's always here, this is like his second home! Yet you still treat him like it's his first!"

"Don't you dare raise your voice at your mother like that, Emily!" My dad almost shouted at me.

"So what if I do! I was just asking a simple question."

"I'm sure Joanna is a lovely woman, Emily." My mother said trying to calm down the situation.

"But you're never going to find out if you constantly avoid her!" I shouted.

"Ok, Emily. Your mother and I will go and have a little chat to Brad's mum after dinner, will you be happy then?" My dad told me sternly.

"Whatever." I said finishing off my dinner and taking it to the kitchen with Brad hurrying along behind me. I stomped off upstairs with Brad before slamming my door shut.

"Are you alright?" Brad asked.

"No, I'm not alright! My mum is a bitch and my dad doesn't give a shit!" I replied.

"I'm sure he does really." Brad said quietly.

"Whatever, I'm going to the toilet. Be back in a bit!" I told him. I walked out into the hallway and walked to the bathroom door at the end near the stairs. I stopped at the top of the stairs before I went into the bathroom because I heard my mum and dad having a conversation about me. I walked down a few steps so I could hear them better. I sat about 3 steps down and listened in to their conversation. "You're going to have to tell her sooner or later, Phil. She needs to know." My mum said to my dad. What did he have to tell me? I want to know!

"I understand that, Deborah. But I know that he'll find out and never want to speak to me or come near this family again! I ruined his life and he doesn't even know it was me! And if he does he'll hate me forever." He replied. Wait, who s he talking about? Oh my god this is annoying!!

"Well, let's go speak to Joanna and when we get back you can tell her with Joanna by your side to help with Brad." My mother told him. They shouted up the stairs without seeing me, "Be back in a bit, Em. Be good!" Woah, so has this got something to do with the whole 'awkward situation' between our family and the Simpson family then. And I'm guessing that the person who he was talking about was Brad. I'm so confused right now...


So guys, the first chapter of Brother's Bandmate and I reckon if you're clever enough you can work out simply from the title what is going to happen.

On another note, Tristan will be coming into the picture at around Chapter 3. But I am luckily doing a few updates tonight. I will be doing Chapter 2 and 3 and possibly maybe Chapter 4. But thats only a possibility!

love yaa x

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