Chapter 8 - Hide

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I woke up the next morning with the light shining through the curtains. I blinked a few times to adjust to the light. I moved my leg and hit something, wait, no, someone. I turned over and remembered the events of the night before. James. Last night, with James. God, if Tris finds out I don't know what I'll do. I love Tristan so much, and it hurts so much what I did to him last night, but I strangely don't regret it, I know I should but I feel slightly happy about what happened with James. Wait, Brad doesn't know what happened does he? How will I explain why James is still here? "James, wake up. JAMES!" I exclaimed while trying to be quiet.
"What?" He asked with a it smirk on his face as his eyes flickered open.
"What are we going to do James, what about Tris.. And what about Brad finding out?!" I told him panicking.
"Emily, don't worry. When I came to find you I told them I was leaving, I'll just sneak out and we can pretend this never happened!"
"James, I need to tell you something..."
"I'm.. Well, Tris and I.. We're together now, like, official." I told him.
"And you didn't think to tell me that before?"
"We were planning on telling you and Con, but we weren't planning on it straight away.."
"You could of told me before we... You know.." James said.
"Well, I didn't want to ruin the moment.."
"So you don't regret it?" He asked.
"I know I should, but no, I don't." I replied.
"Oh." Was all he said.
"Is it a good thing or a bad thing?" I asked.
"Well, I guess it's good for me.. But Tris is my best friend, so I don't think we should do this again, as much as I enjoyed it, it was a mistake." He told me.
"So, how am I going to sneak-" James was cut off by a knocking on the door.
"Em? Are you awake? If not I'm going to come in there and jump on you!" I heard Brad say.
"I'm awake, just getting changed hang on!" I replied.
"What are we going to do?" James whispered.
"Get in the wardrobe!" I exclaimed, whispering. He got out of bed and quickly got in the wardrobe and I shut the door behind him. I walked over to the door, calming myself down and then opening the door to see Brad. "Morning!" He chirped.
"What's up?" I asked.
"Do you want to do something today? I mean, unless you're doing something with Tris. We've got no band practice and I'm not doing anything, so what do you think?" He asked me. I thought about it, and this is the first time Brad's actually wanted to go out since the break up with Poppy. Maybe, should I invite Aoife? To take his mind off Poppy.. Yeah, I'll do that.
"Emily?" Brad asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Yeah, sorry. Sure! Can I possibly invite a friend?"
"Erm, I was hoping for a brother sister day, but sure if you want!" He replied.
"Trust me, you'll like her!" I exclaimed.
"What's her name?" He asked.
"Aoife! I'll get ready and text her to meet us, where?" I asked.
"Cinema?" He suggested.
"Ok!" I exclaimed, shutting my door. I walked back over to my wardrobe to get James out.
"Thank god! It's so crammed in there, why do you need to many clothes?!" He exclaimed.
"Shh! Brad will hear you! Right, I'm going out with Brad. I'll leave you a key and you can leave when we do, don't forget to lock up! Give me the key back when I next see you." I told him.
"Ok!" He said.
"Shh! Stay in here, I'll text you so you know we've left."
"Okay Dokey!" He whispered. I got changed in the bathroom and did my make up quickly and then I texted Aoife to tell her to meet us at the cinema. I gave James the key and went downstairs to find Brad in the living room on his phone. "Ready to go?" I asked.
"Yep! Let's gooo!" He exclaimed. We walked out the front door and it was very cold so we decided to drive there. I got into the passenger seat and belted up while Brad got in the drivers seat. He started the car and drove off. I texted James to tell him we were gone and that he could leave. It was silent in the car and there was only the sound of the radio in the background. "So, did James stay round last night?" Brad asked, breaking the silence. Shit, he knows...
"No, why?" I replied.
"Well, his shoes were in the hallway when we left, so he obviously never left last night because I don't think he'd walk home barefoot.." He told me.
"Oh, well I don't know."
"Emily, cut the crap. I know.."
"Know what?" I asked.
"That you and James slept together last night."
"How did you know?"
"Well unless you talk to yourself and James likes to walk barefoot in public, it's kind of obvious."
"Oh.." I said.
"Why Em? What about Tris?" He asked.
"I don't know Brad, it was a stupid mistake both James and I regret." I lied. I don't regret it.
"I hope you do." He told me.
"I do, please don't tell Tris Brad. I love him and I don't want to lose him over a silly mistake."
"I'll think about it Em."
"Thank you." I said.
"Don't thank me, Em. I'm still not sure if I'm going to tell Tris yet." He replied. I just shrunk down in my seat staying silent.

We got to the cinema and saw Aoife waiting outside. The city of London was covered in beautiful sparkly Christmas light. Christmas is my favourite time of year! Christmas songs, Christmas movies, Christmas lights, I just love it. Christmas makes me feel so happy, but I still had a sick feeling inside as to whether Brad would tell Tristan or not. "Hey Aoife!" I exclaimed, trying to shake this horrible feeling away.
"Hey Ems!" She replied giving me a hug. She looked to Brad and then to me with a huge smile on her face.
"Oh, yeah, Brad this is Aoife. Aoife this is-"
"Brad Simpson, yeah I know. From The Vamps." She cut me off.

Brad's P.O.V.

Wow, Em's friend is pretty. She had beautiful brown hair and big pretty brown eyes. She was a little shorter than me and she was wearing a dark red skater skirt and a black top with a denim jacket over the top, she looked stunning. "Brad?" I was snapped out of my thoughts by Emily saying my name.
"Yeah?" I replied.
"Shall we go inside?"
"Yeah yeah!" I answered. We went inside and decided to see Anchorman 2. We bought drinks and popcorn before going in. We sat near the back in case I got recognised. Em sat on the end next to the middle bit, Aoife sat next to her and then I was next to her.

After the movie we decided to get something to eat and we went to the nearest KFC. We spent our time there chatting and I got to know Aoife a bit better.

"Well, I guess I'll see you soon." Aoife said, before turning to go home.
"Bye Aoife!" My sister called after her. I went to follow Em as she walked back to the car, but I hesitated and ran after Aoife. "Aoife, Aoife, wait!" I called after her. She turned round to see who was calling her and when she realised it was me she had a huge smile on her face.
"What's up?" She asked as I got to her.
"Would it be possible to get your number?" I asked.
"No." She replied with a big smirk on her face.
"Oh." A disappointed look appearing on my face.
"I'm joking, silly! Sure, give me your phone and I'll put it in."
"Ok!" I chuckled, my disappointed look turning into a happy one. I handed her my phone and she started typing away.
"There you go!" She said handing me my phone back.
"Thanks." I smiled.
"See you soon, Brad." She smiled back.
"Bye, Aoife." I replied tuning round to catch up with Emily.
"You took your time." Em winked at me.
"Shut up you." I answered. She just smiled cheekily at me and pushed on my shoulder lightly.

On the way towards the car we bumped into Tris. Em looked at me worriedly and I mouthed 'don't worry' to her and she smiled gratefully. "Hey guys!" Tris exclaimed kissing Em on the cheek.

Emily's P.O.V.

We saw Tris and I got the sick feeling in my stomach again. I looked to Brad and he mouthed 'don't worry' to me. A huge wave of relief came over me and suddenly I was happy again. "Hey guys!" Tris exclaimed giving me a kiss on the cheek.
"Hi Tris! What you doing in town on Christmas Eve?" I asked.
"Just a bit of last minute Christmas shopping." He replied.
"And may I ask who for?" I asked cheekily.
"Nope!" He said popping the 'p'.
"Fine." I crossed my arms.
"You'll fine out tomorrow, I better be off now. See you tomorrow guys! Bye Em." And before I knew it his lips were on mine again and I felt complete, happy again.


MERRY CHRISTMAS!! Little Christmas Eve present for y'all. Hope you enjoy and thank you al SOSOSOSOSOSOSOSO much for 650 reads! ly xxxx

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