Chapter 4 part 1 - Date

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Sorry it's late, been a bit busy lately. Spent the weekend with the family and had loads of homework lately. Anyway enjoy....


Emily's P.O.V.

I woke up to the sunlight shining through my curtains. I looked over to my alarm clock, 11:47. Wow, I really over slept! I got up and grabbed my slippers from next to my wardrobe. I pulled on my slippers and went downstairs. I walked in the kitchen to find James sat at the table eating some of his protein stuff that he loves so much. "Morning Emily!" He exclaimed.
"Yeah, morning.." I mumbled.
"Sleep well?" He asked me. I just grumbled at him and filled up the kettle to make some coffee.
"Didn't know you slept here last night." I said to him.
"We all did, Connor went home this morning though. I'm guessing Tris and Brad are still asleep"
"What you talking about?" I heard a funny voice from behind me. I turned round to see Tristan stood in the doorway, of course it had to be him. "Morning bro." James said to him.
"Alright!" Tris replied.
"Yeah, doing anything today?" James asked him.
"Not until tonight, Em promised me a date." He said winking at me.
"No I didn't! You invited me to Nando's!" I exclaimed.
"And you accepted my invitation!" He replied with a sassy click.
"Hey! You didn't invite me?" James said pouting.
"Sorry Jems, he just loves me more." I replied.
"Tris, this bromance is over..." He said walking out the room.
"No! Jems, I love you!" Tristan said chasing after him.
"What's all this shouting about?" Brad exclaimed walking into the kitchen looking very sleepy watching Tris run out the kitchen past him.
"Just bromance troubles..." I told him.
"Where's Con?" He chuckled.
"Had to go home earlier, not sure why though, ask James." I said.
"Ok, you making coffee?" He asked.
"Yeah why?"
"Make me one and then we can all go to the park if you want." He told me.
"Yes! Love you bro!" I said. Brad chuckled and then went to go and tell the other two, were James was currently rugby tackling Tristan onto the sofa. I poured the hot water into the two mugs and added milk to one of them and some sugar into both.

A few minutes later Brad walked in the kitchen dressed in some skinny black jeans and a red checkered shirt. He took his coffee and sat at the table. I took mine and sat next to him.
"So, other than the park what else are we doing?" I asked him as Tris and James walked in and sat at the table too.
"Yeah Brad, what are we doing?" James repeated.
"What's it always up to me?" He asked.
"Because you always know what to do..." Tris told him.
"Fair enough." He replied.
"Sooo..." I said.
"Well, we could do some skateboarding?" He told us.
"Yes Brad! See this is why we ask you what to do!" I exclaimed.
"Great, well lets go then!" James said.
"Wait!" Tristan said.
"What now, Tris!" I replied.
"Well... I can't skateboard..." He mumbled.
"Aw Tris!" I said walking up to him and hugging him, "I'll teach you, ok?"
"Ok!" He exclaimed like an excited child, he's so cute.... Right back to reality! I went up to my bedroom and grabbed my penny board which was orange with blue wheels and my spare board which was leopard print, so I knew it would be perfect for Tris. I walked downstairs to find Brad with his skateboard and James with the skateboard that he usually leaves here as a spare. We left our house (ours as in mine and brads, we moved into our own house a few months ago when Brad first turned 18, I'm still only 17, but my birthdays in 1 week!). We walked to the park and when we got there I handed Tris his board and when he saw his face lit up.
"Emily! This board's awesome, can I keep it? Please, please, please?" He asked me.
"When you learn how to use it, you might be able to buy it off me pretty cheap." I told him. He chuckled and put it in the ground. I put my board on the grass where James was sat. I think he was trying to sunbathe because it was the sunniest day we'd had in months! James does make me chuckle. Tris attempted to step on the board but he just slipped and the board went flying from beneath him, causing him to fall straight onto his ass. I couldn't stop laughing it was so hilarious! Tris stood up and dusted himself off and stormed of to go and get the board which had managed to get about 10 metres from where we first stood.


A few hours later I was back at home with Brad. James and Tris went back to James's to get ready for this 'date' tonight. I was secretly so excited! Actually I was almost dying inside. The boys were all treating the whole thing like it was a real date like it was something really special, but I knew they were just joking around, I knew Tris had just asked me to Nando's as friends....but why me? Why didn't he ask one of the boys?

I got changed into some high waisted skinny jeans and a grey jumper that I tucked in. I added a long necklace. I put on a little bit of extra makeup because I was already wearing some. I straightened my wavy, waist long, blonde hair and went downstairs to get my phone from the living room. Just as I picked it up the doorbell rang, Brad got up from the sofa and walked over to the front door. I went to get my scarf from the chair it was hanging on in the kitchen and I heard some mumbling coming from the hallway and the front door shutting. I walked into the hallway to see Brad and Tristan stood waiting for me.
"Hey, beautiful." Tris said to me.
"Oh shut up, Tris." I replied. He faked hurt by putting his hand on his heart.
"Can I not simply give you a compliment?" He asked.
"You can when you means it..." I mumbled.
"What?" He asked.
"What?" I replied.
"So, are you guys going or what?" Brad asked.
"Yeah, yeah, you ready?" Tris asked.
"Yeah, let me just grab my coat." I replied. I walked over to the under stairs cupboard and grabbed my coat and walked over to the door.
"See you later, Brad!" I said walking out the door.
"Yeah, don't wait up buddy." Tris told him.
"Shut up Tris. See you later!" He said closing the door behind us. Tris went over to his car and opened the door for me.
"Why thank you, Mr Evans" I said. He chuckled and closed the door jogging over to the other door and getting in. He started the car and drove off.
"What you going to get in Nando's then?" I asked, trying to make conversation.
"Chicken." He winked at me.
"Very funny, Tris..."
"Sorry, I'll probably get a hot butterfly chicken." He told me.
"Good choice!" I replied.
"I know I have good taste, you don't have to tell me." He said and I giggled.
"You have a cute giggle." He told me. I could tell I was blushing because I suddenly felt very hot.
"Aw, is Emily blushing?" He asked.
"Leave me alone!" I said pouting. He chuckled and focused on the road.

A few minutes later I realised we weren't on the same route to Nando's.
"Tris, this isn't the right way to Nando's is it?" I asked.
"No, it's not." He replied.
"Tris..... Where are we going?" I asked.

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