Chapter 24 - Battle of the Sexes

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I woke up forgetting where I was for a second. I looked down towards my bump and realised how much it's grown in 4 months. Tristan's arm was protectively wrapped around the bump, so I peered behind me to see him fast asleep. God, he was beautiful and I was so lucky to have him in my life. I turned my head to look at my alarm clock to see the numbers '8:57 a.m.' on the screen. I remembered our hospital appointment to find out the gender of the baby, it wasn't until 10:30 a.m. so I turned over to look at Tristan. As I observed every facial feature he had, from his cheekbones to the small strand of blonde hair that had fallen over his eyes. His eyes. They were a stunning view, so I stared away, awaiting him to wake up so I could see the ocean in his eyes again.

"Didn't your mother ever teach you it's rude to stare?" Tristan suddenly mumbled in his deep morning voice.

"No, but she did teach me to embrace natural beauty." I giggled.

"Stare away then." He croaked, is eyelids fluttering open. "You can watch me make you breakfast if you like?" He joked, getting out of bed.

"It would be an honour, Mr. Evans." I replied with a posh accent, following his actions and meeting him at the end of our bed.

"Then follow me, Madam." He answered, offering me his hand, which I took and followed him down to our kitchen.

"Boiled egg and toast or bacon sandwich?" He asked me after opening the fridge and rummaging around inside.

"I'd like boiled egg and toast please." I jumped up and sat on the countertop.

"Anything for you." He came up and kissed my cheek.

After breakfast, Tris and I got ready for our appointment. We made our way to the hospital and parked in the multi-storey car park. We got to the maternity ward and checked in at reception, they told us to wait in the waiting room so we took our seats. I felt Tristan take my hand and squeeze it, so I looked up to him and he smiled at me reassuringly. Why am I so nervous? This should be exciting. I guess I just don't want anything to go wrong, but I need to stop worrying.

"Can I have Emily please?" We got called my a nurse who told us to follow her to an ultrasound room. I led on the bed like I was asked and the nurse lifted up my t-shirt and applied some very cold gel.

"How far along are you?" She asked me while scanning my lower abdomen.

"16 weeks." Tristan butted in. I could tell he was really excited.

"Well you'll be happy to know your baby is looking very healthy and is doing very well. Would you like to know the sex?" She asked us. I looked over to Tristan, who was already looking at me. He smiled, telling me he really wanted to know. I smiled back agreeing with him.

"Yes." We both said at the same time. The nurse smiled at us and looked back to the screen to find out for us.

"Congratulations, it's a girl." She exclaimed. I looked over to Tristan who had his hands covering his smile, he looked so happy. He looked over to me and leaned over and kissed me on the forehead.

"Our little girl, our little Evans." He whispered to me.



This is short and I'm sorry, but hey ho, I updated. "FINALLY!!!" I hear you all cheer.

Sorry for slow updates, GCSEs man.


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