Chapter 7 - love and lies

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It was nearing 6pm and slowly getting darker. I decided to start off by getting in the shower, I washed my hair quickly and got out. I dried my hair and did my make up, then I chose something to wear. I thought about it and I was only going round his so I dressed quite casual. I found my leather skater skirt and some tights and then a red checkered shirt and gold chain necklace. I checked my appearance in the mirror and sorted it out until I looked presentable. I went downstairs and out my coat and scarf on, leaving my house at 6:55pm as Tris's house is only a five minute walk. I walked in the strangely warm air, considering it was winter and I arrived at Tristan's right on time. I knocked on the door and waited a few seconds before Tris opened the door. "Hey." He said grinning, I think he was checking me out. Oh god, do not blush! Crap. I bet I'm blushing.
"Hello Tristan." I replied.
"Come on in!" He welcomed. I walked into his very warm house and I could see from the hallway there was a fire lit in the living room.
"Don't take your coat off, I want to show you something outside." He told me.
"Ok them?" I said hesitantly.
"Come, follow me!" He said walking towards the back door of his house, through his kitchen and into the garden. I followed him back outside and he went off to the back gate of his garden. "Is this going to be a long walk Tris? You know how much I hate walking..." I complained.
"You do enough exercise with James!"
"Tris..." I whined.
"Fine, I'll give you a piggy back!"
"Yay!" I exclaimed. I jumped up onto his back and he held firmly onto my legs while my arms were round his neck. We walked quite a bit further until I could hear water flowing. Slowly some little lights came into sight. As we walked further into a forest, a small stream came into sight with candles placed everywhere. Tristan put me down next to the stream and took my hands in his. "Tris, you don't have to do all this for me.."
"I know I don't, but you're worth the effort." He told me causing me to blush.
"Look, Em. I need to ask you something..." He said, and I kind of knew what was coming.
"Yes, Tris?"
"Emily, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked me. A wave of butterflies flew through my stomach.
"Yes, of course I will Tris." I replied happily. His face lit up as he hugged me, picking me up and spinning me around.
"I love you, Em."
"I love you too, Tris."


We were sat in front of the fireplace. Tristan was sat against the sofa while I was in between his legs, his arms round me. I was so happy. "Em?" Tris said breaking the silence.
"When are we going to tell the boys?"
"Don't mind." I replied.
"Should we tell them all at once or tell Brad first, I know how protective he is over you."
"Yeah, maybe we should tell him first. But then again, I don't think it'll be too back considering they practically caught us making out earlier..."
"Fair enough. We'll tell Brad first anyway." He told me.
"Ok, tomorrow?" I suggested.
"Yeah, we've got band practise tomorrow afternoon but I'll come early so we can tell Brad first."
"Can we not tell the boys tomorrow, you know, just in case Brad doesn't take it well."
"That's fine!" He said kissing my cheek.


The following afternoon.

There was a knock at the front door so I got up to get it. I jumped off my bed and walked out my bedroom and downstairs to the hallway to find Brad at the door with Tristan.
"Bit early aren't ya?" Brad asked him.
"Well, I-we need to talk to you." Tris replied, walking up next to me.
"Yeah?" Brad asked.
"Well, we've decided to make it official." I told him.
"Tris and I... We're officially together, girlfriend and boyfriend." I told Brad.
"Oh." Brad said.
"Is that all you've got to say?" Tris asked surprised.
"Well, I don't really know what to say.." He replied.
"I don't understand you sometime! You never seem to be able to be happy for Emily! You only ever think about yourself!" Tristan shouted.
"Stop it!" I shouted standing between them. "Brad, your my brother and my best friend. The least you could do is support me and be happy for me," I turned to Tris, "you're my boyfriend, and I love you, but I don't want you to fall out with your best friend and bandmate because of me..."
"Sorry Em, I promise to be a more supportive brother." Brad apologised.
"Yeah, sorry babe." Tris also apologised.
"Good, well the others will be here soon so you guys better set up! Oh, and Brad!" I said.
"Yes Ems?" He asked.
"Don't tell James and Con, we're going to tell them soon."
"Don't worry, my lips are sealed!"


After band practise

We were sat in the living room with the TV on quiet and we were chatting away. "It's getting late now, I better be off now!" Tris told us all.
"Ok, I'll show you out." I replied getting up and walking into the hallway closing the living room door behind me. Tris put his coat on and I opened the door for him. He stood on the doorstep and our eyes locked. The next thing I knew his lips were on mine. Our lips synced creating the perfect moment. He pulled away looking into my eyes again. "Bye Em." He said turning to leave, walking down the pathway and along the pavement back home.
"I love you!" I called after him. He turned round and smiled his perfect smile.
"I love you more!" He called back. I chuckled and closed the door. I turned round and bumped into James.
"Oh hey James!"
"Can I talk to you quickly?" He asked.
"Sure! Where do you want to go?"
"Upstairs is probably best, if Brad and Con here they'd kill me..." He told me.
"Ok, my room?" I suggested.
"Ok." And we went upstairs and into my room. I went to close the bedroom door saying,"if this is about-" I turned round and got cut off by his lips on mine. I pushed him away, surprised by his actions.
"James, what the hell?" I exclaimed. He didn't say anything he just looked me in the eyes. I looked back into his dazzling green eyes. "Oh, I hate you." I said kissing him again. I put my arms round his neck and he lifted me up, cupping my thighs with his hands. He pushed me against the door, deepening the kiss. What was I doing? How could I do this to Tris? It felt so wrong, yet I didn't want to pull away. The kiss got more and more passionate until I realised we were on my bed, James on top of me, my legs wrapped round his waist. Wait we weren't about to... Fuck. I couldn't stop though. It carried on until... Well you can guess what happened next.

Sozzles, it's short i know, but I wanted to get this chapter out the way! But omfg. James and Emily... Oops!
New chapter very very soon! Can't wait to write it:D

Luv u xxxxx

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