Chapter 5 - lost faith and running away

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I had just managed to fall asleep when my phone buzzed. I picked it up and saw the time was 1.04 am. Firstly, it's December and it's cold so I find it hard to sleep, secondly, who texts in the middle on the night?! I looked to see who it was from and it was James.

From Jemzzy the bezzyy
Hey em! Sorry to text you so late but I couldn't sleep, it's too cold in my house:( anywayyyy, I'm going for a jog tomorrow morning at 6 so I was wondering if you wanted to come? I know it'll be very cold so wrap up! But even in this weather you have to keep fit! Oh, and how did it go with Trissy boy? You two would make such a cute couple, omg gurrll! luv yaa xxxxxxxx

I giggled at how camp he was acting.

To Jemzzy the bezzyy
Hey jemzz, h8 chuu you woke me up and I just got to sleep!! It's cold in my house too:( sure I'll come for a jog with you in the morning and I will make sure I wrap up! I'll tell you all about how it went with Tris in the morning, let's just say it was a very enjoyable night for me;) not in a dirty way before you get any ideas!! Anyway, stop acting so camp! I mean, if you want a girlfriend anytime soon... See you in the morning jemsy! luv you 2;) xxxxxxxx

From Jemzzy the bezzyy
Haha, glad you had fun Em. Can't wait to hear all about it! See you tomozzles bby;) xxxxxxxx

James is so weird but I love him, he's one of my best friends and I find it funny because he fancies my friend, Jess, who I used to go to school with. She lives up north now so I haven't seen her in a while but we occasionally do little train trips up and down the country. I do hope one day I can get James and Jess together! Actually, she's coming round next weekend! I'll plan something with the others so her and James can be alone.

I managed to get back to sleep and I woke up at 5:45am and got up. I walked into the bathroom quietly and tied my hair up. I didn't bother with any make up because it's early and the only person who I'm going to see are James and any other joggers. I went back into my room and got changed into my track suit bottoms, sport top and hoodie to keep me warm even though jogging would warm me up. It was now 5:55am and I left the house and went to meet James in the park. It was only a 5 minute walk and when I got there I saw James over by a bench stretching. I walked over to him and joined in with the stretches. "Hey Em, how ya doin'?" He asked.
"Alright, a bit tired though. Why'd we have to do this so early?"
"Early is better! There's no one around!" He replied.
"Ok Jems, shall we head off?" I asked.
"Yeah! Let's do this!" We started jogging round the park and after about 5 minutes of jogging James spoke up.
"So, what happened last night?"
"Well, we went I'm a completely different direction to Nando's and went to a beautiful lake instead."
"That's cool, what did you do there?" He asked.
"When we got there, the trees were all lit up with beautiful twinkly fairy lights and there was a table next to the lake covered in candles... It was amazing!"
"Aw, I'm happy for you Em!"
"Yeah, we ended up going to Nando's though." I laughed.
"Well that's a great turn out!" He laughed too.
"Yeah, after we went to mine and watched a film and after when Brad got back we found out him and Poppy had broke up!"
"I never liked that girl anyway.." He replied. I laughed as we came to a stop and started to warm down with a few more stretches. "Starbucks?" James suggested.
"Yes! I could do with one right now..." I replied.
"Let's go then!" and we started walking into town to get a Starbucks.

When we got to Starbucks, which was only a 10 minute walk, we walked in getting hit it the face by warm air and the smell of coffee. James walked over to the back of the line but I just froze. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. My eyes started to fill up with tears, why? Why has he done this to me? I saw a girl sat in the corner of the coffee shop with a boy. She was short, slim and had long, straight, brown hair. He had his blonde hair styled into a quiff and was tall and skinny. It was Poppy and Tristan. I noticed James turn round and look at me noticing I wasn't next to him. He then looked over to where I was looking and shook his head. Tristan turned round and noticed James and his happy expression changed to one of worry as James looked over to me. Tristan turned his head to me and my eyes locked with his. I looked over to James who was looking directly at me. By this point I had tears streaming down my face. I looked back to Tristan.
"Emily, you don't under-" I cut him off.
"No, I understand perfectly well Tristan!" I shouted gaining a few looks from other customers.
"Emily, just let me explain!" he almost shouted back.
"Forget it Tris!" I shouted back, turning on my heel and running out of the coffee shop. I ran and ran and I didn't stop, I just carried on running. I could hear my voice being called by someone I presumed was Tristan, so I ignored and I ran round the corner into an alleyway, resting my back on the wall and sliding down the wall and placing my head in my hands and just crying and crying and crying.

So there's a bit of drama in that chapter, I had to shorten it loads because of writers block:( sozzles, I'll make the next one longer though!

So, I've got a few entries for Brad's girl and now I've decided because Connor hasn't been in the story very much I'm going to need a Connor girl too! You know what to do;)
luv y'all! xxxxxxx

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