Chapter 2 - Oh Brother..

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I went back into my room and pretended nothing happened. I didn't say anything about what I'd just heard to Brad, I didn't want to upset him. He was my bestfriend and I wasn't prepared to let anything or anyone change that, ESPECIALLY my parents!

About an hour later I heard my parents come back through the door. It was now 8:00pm and it was dark. "I better be getting back now" Brad told me.

"Ok, babe."

"Emily!" My mum called.

"WHAT!" I shouted back.

"Can you and Bradley come downstairs please?" She replied.

I didn't answer I just strolled down the stairs with Brad and then we saw his mum, just stood there. "What's up?" I asked. I must say, Brads mum looked extremely worried.

"We have something to tell the both of you." My dad told us.

"Ok then" I replied crossing my arms.

"You might want to sit down, honey." Mymum told me. Right, now I was worried. I unfolded my arms and slowly sat down on the sofa with Brad following in suite. The three adults were soon stood before us. This must be something serious, has someone died or something?

"Brad, this is about your father..." Brads mum, Joanna spoke up.

"Really? What is it?!" He said anxiously. Man, that boy sure did want a dad. I feel so bad for him.

"The reason he left was because I found out he got another woman pregnant..." She told him. His face changed from anxious to disapointed. His dream dad bubble has just been burst.

"Oh..." was all he could say.

"Let's cut to the chase, Phil, it's time to tell her." My mum told my dad.

"Tell me what? Dad?" I said quietly.

"Emily, I'd ike you to meet your half-brother, Bradley." My dad said to me. What?! Hell no! Brads not my brother!! He's my bestfriend!

"No he's not, what are you talking about?!" I exclaimed.

"Emily! This is serious!" My mum told me. I was so shocked, I couldn't move. A few minutes, which felt like hours later I got up, picked up my coat and walked out the door. I ran down the road, I didn't stop. I just ran and ran as far as my legs could take me. I heard a voice calling my name from behind me but I just ignred it and carried on running, until somene grabbed my arm and turned me round. I saw Brad. I just hugged him, for ages. Eventually he pulled out of the hug and looked at me. I realised I was crying. He wiped away the tears with his thumbs. "Emily, don't worry. We'll get through this together. To be honest, to me it felt like you were my sister already, my little sister! Emily, now this is real! You're really my sister!" He told me smiling. I smile soon crept onto my face and he hugged me again.

"You're the best brother ever! Who cares about the half part of it!" I mumbled into his jacket.


So, Emily and Brad are related. The next chapter will be written back in normal time and Tristan will be involved!

Bye byeee!x

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