Chapter 23 - A Little Dinner

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It was the evening before the surprise party or dinner thing Brad has planned was going to happen, even though I've been seriously hormonal lately and I'm really not in the mood for any party of the sort, I guess I have to go, for Brad. Tristan and I have decided that instead of revealing our secret about the baby tonight. Brad has been helping Tristan cook some dinner for the past four hours and they have not yet successfully created a meal for us. The boys, James and Connor are coming over with Nicole and Ella, Aoife is arriving any minute after I called her about the awful smells coming from the kitchen. We might as well tell her when she gets here considering I'm now 16 weeks along and I have a rather obvious baby bump getting in the way of everything I do. We've managed to hide this thing for so long now because morning sickness has been its natural bitch and has kept me cooped up in this house for weeks on end. I only occasionally go out to my parents that's only been a few times. Tristan has been an angel sent from the gods in my eyes these past few months and has basically done everything for me.

There was a knock on the door and I suspected it'd be Aoife but as I was glued to the sofa, in other words Brad and Tristan have banished me here all day because 'I'm pregnant and need to rest' but I guess they'll soon get bored of doing all the work round here and eventually karma will come and bite them in the ass when they realise that just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I can't cook a simple meal for my friends.

"Hi Aoife, what are you doing here?" I heard Tristan ask from the hallway.

"I got a call about some bad smells being created in the kitchen and I came to inspect." She replied, her witty self.

"Well come in!" He welcomed her from the freezing outdoors of the English December. I heard them all chatting in the kitchen and thought that this is the perfect timing for the revealing. I got up and grabbed a cream blanket that had been folded and placed on the armrest of the sofa and draped it around my body managing to hide the baby bump that was highly visible through my long sleeved black top that I was wearing. I opened the living room doorway and made my way into the large kitchen we had in our home.

I arrived in the kitchen, taking my time with bad backache and I stood next to the breakfast bar that stood on the opposite side of the kitchen that everyone was fussing around. I cleared my throat getting the attention of Tristan, Brad and Aoife.

"What are you doing off that sofa?" Tris exclaimed making his way over to me to escort me back to the place I had sat for too long during this pregnancy.

"Tris, I think we should tell her now. I can't hide it this easily." I whispered in his ear.

"Ok, let's do this." He replied, slightly nervous."Aoife, we have something to tell you."

"What's up guys?" She turned from the stove, letting Brad carry on her cooking, she crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow in a curious manner.

"Let me show you." I told her, I turned sideways and removed the blanket that was hiding the large baby bump I've been hiding from my friends for weeks. "How do feel about becoming Auntie Aoife?" I asked her.

"Oh my God - of course I will! Wow guys, when? What? Where? How?!" She exclaimed excitedly.

"Um, well, it's 16 weeks, I think I got pregnant in Hawaii and I don't think I need to explain how."

"I think we need some time out, let's go sit down. These guys are perfectly capable of finishing what I've started." She told me. We entered the living room and she asked me another question,
"Who else knows?" She asked.

"Our families and now you."

"When are you going to tell the others?" She asked, "As in James, Connor, Ella and Nicole."

"We were going to tell you all tonight, but as Tris and Brad seriously needed help with the meal, you found out earlier." I grinned.

"OMG Em!" She hugged me tightly, "I'm so excited! When do you find out the gender?"

"Tomorrow morning! We've got an appointment to find out at the hospital!"

"Yay! And then you can tell everyone at the party." She suddenly gasped realising the party was supposed to be a surprise.

"Don't worry, Aoife. Tris already told me about the party, he just asked me to act surprised!"

"Thank god for that then! Now if it's a girl you're obviously going to call it Aoife." She giggled and I chuckled along with her.

"Funny, actually Tris and I have been discussing this and we decided on Jennifer or Taylor if it's a girl and Levi or Lijah if it's a boy. I chose the boys names and he had more of a say in the girls."

"I love Lijah and Jennifer, but I wouldn't want to call her Jen or Jenny, so probably Jenna." She gave me her feedback.

"Thanks for being so supportive, Aoife. I appreciate it." I hugged her.

"Don't worry, Em. What are best friends for?" She chuckled.

James, Connor, Nicole and Ella had all arrived but Brad had that 'great' idea to keep me in my room until the reveal. Thanks Brad! I could here chatting downstairs and I knew they hadn't ate anything yet because we planned to surprise them during drinks.

Suddenly Tristan came into the bedroom and shut the door behind him. "It's time." He told me with a shaky smile. I took a deep breath and looked up at him. He both both hands on my face and pulled me in for a kiss. When he pulled out of the kiss he told me, "everything will be fine." He kissed my forehead and took my hand in his. I had a baggy longish cardigan on to cover up in the meantime. We made our way downstairs and into the dining room where I came across all the faces I had missed so dearly in these rough 16 weeks. Tristan had laid my place at the head of the table between him and Aoife. Sat next to Aoife was Brad and next to Brad was James.

"Hey don't you two have an announcement?" Aoife asked. (Thanks Aoife....)

"Yes we do." Tristan exclaimed, "Em, why don't you show them?" He winked at me and I just have him a death stare. He didn't want to do this as much as I did, and that's a lot. he did whatever he could to not make this announcement, so I may as well do this. I stood up and took of my long black cardigan revealing my red body-con dress which fitted round my bump perfectly. I turned sideways so they all had a perfect view too. "16 weeks, we find out the gender tomorrow morning." I looked around at all my breath-taken friends and then started the congratulations, starting with Con.

I thought everyone had hugged me and congratulated me but then I realised James hadn't stood up, but then I saw Nicole touch his arm and whisper something I his ear, my seductively but more sternly. The tone in his eyes changed from disappointment to soft. He picked up his glass and raised it slightly. "Congratulations you two, wish you the best. I look forward to finding out the gender soon. To Baby Evans." He raised his glass higher.

"To Baby Evans!" Everyone repeated, picking up their glasses and cheering, followed by a sip of whatever alcoholic substance Tristan decided to serve them. I obviously did not with the whole 'can't drink, I'm pregnant' thing.

Maybe Nicole will change James's mind, or maybe he'll have a change of heart. I don't know what'll happen, but I prey for everyone's support. I'm beginning to get excited for Baby Evans, and the rest of my life with these people surrounding me.


Hey guys, guess who's back again?
I have updated with a longish chapter and I hope to make another update soon with the baby's gender and the 'surprise' party.

I am currently in bed watching the X Factor Finals and my entire family (including my cat) came and sat on my bed and watched it with me. Thx guysss.

I wanna make more friends guys!! So any vamps fans or 5sos fans or paramore fans or anything! Follow me on here and/or inbox me.


ALSO who should win the X factor, I LOVE Andrea, he's so cute but I also like Ben because his voice is so different but I really like Fleur because she's so talented!! But who do you like??

I love you all, update soon, ciao ciao xx

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