Chapter 14 - Decisions

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I woke up the next morning in bed next to Tristan. Just seeing him sleeping there made me even more confused as to what I was going to decide. James or Tristan? Is what I kept on repeating in my head. Who do I love more? I decided I needed to think about this properly so I decided to go for a walk. I got out of bed carefully, trying not to wake up Tristan, and I pulled on some track suit bottoms and a hoodie and wrote a note on a sticky note saying;
'gone for a walk, be back in a bit x'.
I stuck it on his forehead carefully and then put my boots on and left the house full of people sleeping. I walked down the road for a bit before I walked down a small pathway into some woods. I walked through all the small pathways around the tress, and I knew exactly where I was as this was the place I used to spend my childhood with Brad. I found the treehouse that Brad and I used to spend the majority of our time in. I climbed up the ladder and sat in the treehouse with my legs dangling over the edge.

I was thinking to myself for a long time, just about love. What I feel for Tristan is indescribable. I love him, and if I ever lost him.. I don't know how I'd cope. What I feel for James is just lust. I don't love him, but then again, I don't want to lose him either. After a long time of sitting there thinking I realised I had been here over an hour! How time flies. I knew where I was going now, and I knew what my decision was. I was going to James's house.

I climbed down from the tree and made my way to James's house. I was relieved in a way, I knew exactly what I wanted in life. I didn't mind what the outcome would be, but I knew what I was going to do. Before I knew it I was outside James's house standing at the front door. I knocked twice and waited a few seconds before he opened the door. "Emily."
"Hello." I said.
"Come in!" He exclaimed letting me into his house. "How can I help?" He asked, sitting down.
"I needed to talk to you."
"I'm guessing you've made your decision." He smirked and bit his lip. Damn.
"I have." I told him.
"And?" He got up.
"Well..." I hesitated. He walked over to me and backed me up against the wall.
"I know you want me, Emily." He whispered in my ear. That's when i snapped. I pushed him away.
"No James! I don't want you, all I felt for you was just lust. I don't love you, I love Tristan! I can't actually believe it took me this long to to realise. Goodbye James." I yelled. I walked out of his house and back home, leaving James, leaving the guilt and leaving him with my final decision. I ran home as fast as I could.

I was outside my house and I ran to the front door opening it as fast as possible and slamming it shut behind me. "Hey, hey! What's all the noise about?" Tristan exclaimed strolling out of the kitchen and into the hallway. I practically jumped on him and hugged him. He seemed in shock for a few moments, but soon enough he hugged back. "What's this?" He chuckled.
"I love you, Tris. I can't wait to go on holiday with you."
"I love you too, Em. What's brought this on?" He asked.
"Nothing. I just thought I'd let you know more often. I thought I'd lost you back in the hospital, I don't think I could ever face having to do that again without you knowing that I love you." I told him. He pulled out the hugged and put his hand under my chin, looking me in the eyes. He leaned in and kissed me softly. I kissed back and pulled away after a few seconds. He backed me up against the wall and kissed me again, but more passionately. The kiss lasted about a minute and got more heated by the second. I pulled away for a second, "Brad." I whispered. He kissed me again quickly and then said, "Gone out." And we kissed again. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He carried me upstairs and into my bedroom.


"We need to start packing." I said, cuddling into Tristan's bare chest.
"I know, I can't wait." He replied.
"Me neither."
"Well, come on then. Let's pack!" He exclaimed getting up quickly and pulling his boxers and track suit bottoms on, leaving him shirtless... Which was absolutely fine by me! I got up and pulled on my underwear, track suit bottoms and Tristan's top which he had left on the floor. We started packing for the long journey to Hawaii tomorrow morning. And I couldn't wait to spend it with Tristan, and then hopefully the rest of our lives together.


Little mid-week filler for y'all! 4.7K reads is fab guys, thank you all! If you have any questions and stuff, tweet me @EmilyJHaycock and I'll follow and DM you!

I<3U :)

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