Chapter 9 - Christmas Day Part 1

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"Em! Wake up! IT'S CHRISTMAS!" I heard Brad shout. Every Christmas, Brad and I go to Tristan's house. My mum, Brad's mum, our dad and all of Tristan's family in one house. Both of our families have been close for a long time so we always spend the day at Tristan's, it is the bigger house. "Get up, get up! We've got to get all our presents to take them to Tris's!" Brad exclaimed. Brad's always very enthusiastic one about Christmas. "Fine. I'm getting up!" I told him, pushing him off my bed that he had been jumping on. He groaned in pain on the floor and I just laughed at him. "Get out my room!" I said picking up a pillow and throwing it at him. He quickly jumped up and ran out my room slamming the door before I had the chance to throw another pillow at him. I got out of bed and got down on my knees and grabbing all the present from under my bed. I picked them up checking all the tags, I had presents for; Mum, Dad, Brad's mum, Brad, Tris's mum, Tris's dad, Millie (Tris's sister), James (Tris's brother) and Tris. I had other presents for James, Connor and Aoife. I also had a present for my friend Jess who was coming to stay for New Years, I was going to hook her up with James but I don't know if I should now. I got in the shower quickly and did my make up in the bathroom. I quickly went into my room and got dressed and did my hair and put everything in a bag as we would probably end up staying at Tris's if my mum and dad drink too much.

I finished getting ready and went downstairs to wait with Brad for my mum and our dad to pick us up. I had decided to wear my favourite Christmas jumper which was read and had a reindeer on and some skinny black skinny jeans. Brad was wearing black skinny jeans and a Christmas pudding jumper. "You ready then? Got your presents and your over night bag just incase?" I asked him.
"Em, I'm 18. You're 17, I know what I'm doing..." He replied.
"You act like your 8." I mumbled under my breath.
"Heard that!"
"Whatever." I chuckled. A few minutes later there was a knock at the door, we both looked at each other and jumped up both running towards the door at the same time. I opened the door as Brad slid along the wood floor into a wall, which caused me to burst out laughing.
"Why did we ever trust you two to live together!" My dad exclaimed.
"Sorry dad! Just messing around." Brad chuckled.
"Have you got everything?" My mum joined in.
"Think so. Are we going or what?" I said picking up my bag full of presents and my overnight bag while Brad went back into the living room to get his. We left the house locking the door and heading off to Tristan's.

We arrived about 20 minutes later outside Tristan's house in the countryside. His house is pretty big and I've only been there a few times but I wouldn't mind calling it my second home. Well, third if you include my parents house. We all got out the car and made our way across the gravel driveway to the front door. My dad knocked twice and waited for a few seconds before Tristan's older brother, James, appeared at the door. "Hey guys! Mr and Mrs Flay." He said. "Brad, your mums already here!"
"Really? Cool!" Brad answered, walking in to see his mum. He hadn't seen her since last Christmas, it's strange really. My parents sort of took him in as their own after he found out my dad was his, Joanna, Brad's mum, seemed to keep distant after Brad found out. "Mum!" I heard him exclaim from inside.
"You better come in then!" James said to us. My parents walking in first and then me, but James pulled me to the side. "Emily."
"Yes James?" I asked.
"I know about you and Tris."
"Ok." I replied unsure of what to say.
"Don't worry, if he hurts you I'll be the first to beat him up." He winked at me. James was kind of like a brother to me, which was cool. Thinking about it, if Tris and I get married one day, James will be my brother-in-law!
"Thanks." I chuckled. I went into the living room to find Tris sat at the bottom of the Christmas tree with Millie sat next to him, giving him a present. "Thanks, Mil!" He said. He unwrapped the present and smiled then giving her a hug. "Hello you two!" I exclaimed sitting next to Millie.
"Emily!" She hugged me.
"Alright Mils?" She nodded.
"Hey babe." Tris said leaning over and kissing me.
"Eww." Millie said causing Tris and I to laugh.
"Alright Tiddy T?" We heard the brummie accent from behind us. We all turned round to see Brad walking in from the kitchen.
"Bradley!" Tris got up and jumped on him, hugging him, tackling him to the floor. I looked to Millie, "Tradley..." We said at the same time. Tristan's mum walked in and had to step over them to get to the dinner table.
"Honestly, you two. Get off the floor, some of us are trying to lay the table!" She told them.
"Sorry mum." Tris replied getting off the floor and brushing himself off.
"We'll be in the living room to do presents in about half an hour." She told all of us, walking back into the kitchen.
"PRESENTS!" Millie exclaimed. Tris chuckled as she ran around the room excited. He ran over to her and grabbed her, picked her up and dangled her by her feet. She giggled and was telling him to put her down between the giggles. 'He's so good with children' I thought to myself. He eventually put her down when she started screaming.

All the parents came in and sat on the 3 sofas placed around the room. Brad's mum sat in the armchair next to the fireplace, my mum and dad shared a sofa, Tris's mum and dad shared a sofa and then James, Brad and I were on another leaving Tristan and Millie on the floor. We let Millie open her presents first as she was the youngest and probably the most excited... After Brad who was secretly hiding it. She opened lots of presents and smiled at everyone, and thanked everyone who got her something, Millie is so cute! I wish I had a little sister like her!

After all the presents we decided to go for a walk before dinner. Tris's mum, my mum and Brad's mum all stayed to cook. I could sense the tension between Brad's mum and the other two, but I shrugged it off. Tris's dad, Brad and I's dad, James, Brad, Millie, Tris and I all went to put our coats and scarves on. As we opened the front door to Tristan's house the cold air hit us. "Let's go then!" My dad exclaimed. We all walked out and headed toward a pathway across a field. My dad and Tris's dad walked in front in deep conversation which I had no interest in whatsoever, Brad and James were holding each of Millie's hand swinging her forwards and backwards. Tris and I were at the back holding hands and swinging them back and forth.
"I still haven't got my present from you, mister." I said poking him in the stomach.
"And I haven't got mine either." He winked at me.
"I've got your present back at yours."
"And I've got yours here." He replied. By this time we had stopped walking letting everyone else go ahead.
"Really? Can I have it?" He took a out his pocket and opened it up revealing a small silver charm bracelet with only one charm on it. It was a silver 'T'.
"You can collect charms to remember our memories together." He told me.
"Tristan, I love it so much! Thank you." I looked into his eyes and he looked back into mine.
"I love you, Emily." And as he said that I got the sick feeling in my stomach again and this time I started to feel dizzy as memories of what happened with James flooded into my head. I felt faint, like I was going to fall over.
"Em, are you ok? You've gone really pale!" Tristan exclaimed. That and him calling my dad and the others was the last thing I heard before everything went black.


MERRY CHRISTMAS! I know it's Christmas and I've left you on a cliffhanger but I will be updating either tomorrow or Friday! Hope you enjoyed! Luv u xxx

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