Chapter 6

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Short chapter, but that was all that was really needed for this scene. Enjoy! -LRUF

(3rd pov)

Chopper squealed as the lights filling the room disappeared. Beeping angrily, he turned to squawk at Kanan. That hurt my photoreceptors! 

The Jedi was gone. 

Slowly, realization hit Chopper as he spun around in a slow circle, looking for his friends. 

His crew was gone. 

And so was the colourful crystal Ezra had brought aboard. 

Somehow, Chopper knew that his crews' disappearances were at the fault of this rainbow, glowing crystal. 

He whirred and rolled over to the Ghost's built-in comm system. Punching in a familiar frequency, he wheeled back as a hologram of a young Togruta appeared. 

"Hello, Chopper," Ahsoka Tano greeted him, smiling. "How can I assist your crew?"

Chopper immediately started to bleep and blare at a pace of a hundred miles an hour. 

"Whoa, whoa buddy!" Ahsoka stopped him. "I can't understand you when you speak that fast. What's this about a 'magic crystal'?" 

Patiently, and more slowly this time, Chopper explained the situation to the former Jedi.

Ahsoka nodded when he finished. "I have heard the legend of this crystal, yes. To be honest with you, Chop, there's nothing we can do."

Chopper beeped urgently and loudly. What do you mean, there's nothing we can do?! My whole crew just vanished!

"I understand your concern, Chopper. But the Ghost crew can't come back until they work out their problems in whatever era they were sent to. Hopefully, they'll be back soon." Ahsoka reassured him calmly. She smiled slightly, and Chopper got the feeling that she knew something he didn't. "I'm POSITIVE that they will be." 

I sure hope so too. 

And so Kanan help me, I'm going to zap that crystal into space. 

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