Chapter 20

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(Zeb pov)

"Ya think we'll run into any clankers along the way?" I ask as we run down the cell block hallway.

"I hope not," Hera replies.

We turn a corner and skid to a stop. "Karabast," Sabine curses.

"Thought so," I chid.

A armed dozen battle droids stare us down. Quick as a flash I'm blasted two and soon blasterfire is all around. Sabine fires double-time with two pistols, Hera snips with her two blaster rifles, and I charge forward with a roar, completely abandoning my blaster for the thrill of smashing metal together.

"Zeb! Duck!" Hera shouts and I do. I hear a shot behind me and metal hits the ground.

"Thanks!" I yell back, swinging another battle droid into the wall.

"You're welcome!"

A few minutes later, we've beaten all the battle droids and are moving once again to our friends' cells when two more squads of battle droids march around a corner in front of us.

"Ugh! More clankers!" I groan as I reach for my blaster.

"You wanted to fight some!" Hera replies as she draws her own weapons.

"I didn't mean this many!"

We all fire simultaneously. Five droids go down at once. Only nineteen to go. 


I go back-to-back with Hera and Sabine, a triangle of armed rebels. As we blast droid after droid, I know that we're all hoping to the Force that General Grievous doesn't show up, or we're all doomed. 

"Karabast!" I howl as a blaster bolt grazes my left arm. I down the clanker who shot the bullet and yell. "Sabine, Hera, let me in the middle! I've been grazed!"

Sabine parts the triangle and lets me into the the middle of them. Now we're an odd shape, Hera and Sabine protecting me in the middle, me using my one good arm to shoot from the sides. 

Soon we're down to only four droids. Sabine kills two. Hera snips one. I get the last shot in, happily destroying the last hunk of threatening metal. 

"Easier to shoot then bucket heads, huh?" I grin tiredly. 

"Sure. Let's move! Sabine, you're in the front, Zeb, take middle. I've got the back. We'll go to Kanan's cell first." Hera orders. 

"You're not messing around, are you?"

"No. I want to go home, with my entire crew." 

"Then let's accomplish that." I give Hera my best look of determination. "Let's get back home." 

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