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Chapter 11



Opening her eyes slightly, Noelle squinted at the bright sunlight shining through her window and sneezed loudly. Her alarm rang constantly on her phone, making her cringe from the annoying sound. She extended her arm and grabbed her phone, switching off the alarm. After doing this, she threw the phone on her bed, shutting her eyes. Her head was throbbing and she could feel her throat become dry. She got sick.

Two weeks passed since the snowy evening and the snow has already melted, turning into dirty mesh at the sidelines of the roads, making everything look messy and not as beautiful. Today was just another lucky, sunny day in the Netherlands, meaning that everyone will be out in the streets, enjoying themselves.

Noelle sighed, opening her eyes and deciding to call her mom to bring her tea, because she felt terrible.

"Mom?" Noelle called, her voice croaky and weak, but then remembered that today was a work day and her parents were at work. She hated herself for not turning off the rest of the alarms after the first one rang. Of course, Elena knew that she was sick. Otherwise, Noelle would be sitting in class at that moment.

Stepping out of her bed, she took her phone and slowly headed to the door, feeling extremely dizzy. It felt like she was high, but obviously, she didn't participate in any illegal activity the night before. Unlocking her phone, she decided to put on some music to make her feel better. That's when all of the text messages hit her.

Crazy People Group chat

Martijn: Babe, where are you?

Lucas: I'm here, bæ. Safe and sound. Shall I take off my lingerie?

Julian: Shut up, Lucas. You are such an annoying prick.

Lucas: Wasn't talking to you, wifey.

Julian: Shut up...

Lucas: Good thing I have a free period!

Martijn: Ugh, did any of you idiots see Noelle at school?

Noelle: I'm not in school, got sick.

Lucas: Aaw, get well soon.

Noelle: I hope you are serious right now, because I'm honestly not feeling it right now.

Martijn: Get well soon, Noelle. I'll come with pizza later on.

Noelle: Don't you dare! I look ugly as fuck and you'll get sick as well. Just don't, we'll do it later.

Lucas: How dare you say no to pizza? Surely, you are sick!

Noelle: I am.

Martijn: You sure you don't want pizza?

Lucas: No, babe. Can you please bring me some pizza?

Noelle: Shut up, Lucas. And I don't want pizza, maybe next time.

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