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Chapter 6



It was late and Noelle could feel her eyelids literally falling and sticking together. The party turned out boring, because she didn't feel like dancing amongst complete strangers and there wasn't really anybody to talk to, except for Martijn and he left her alone frequently to go talk to his friends. 

Everybody got drunk quite fast and the previously organised-looking and cliche party, turned into that crazy, full-of-drunk-people gathering, which you can't really call a party. Noelle just sat there, now and then going to grab a non-alcoholic drink, which, unlike the alcoholic ones, didn't seem to finish and she was thankful for that. 

Zac was nowhere to be seen, when she finally decided to leave. Manoeuvring between people, her gaze was running from one person's face, to another, but she couldn't find him in the whirlpool of drunk teenagers. She then realised, that she made a mistake, when she agreed to go with him. She should have taken the subway or something. She didn't even have the wifi-password to search for a local taxi number...

Exiting the house, into the cold street, she looked up at the beautiful starry sky. It was stunning and she felt like she could stare at it for ages... However at the moment, there were more important things to do and she didn't have much time. 

Standing on the side of the road, she thought that maybe, a taxi would pass by, although it was too late for even a pizza delivery guy to rush somewhere, except for his home. Feeling a light tap on her shoulder, that scared her a bit, she turned around, seeing Martijn. 

"I was searching for you," he said, smirking. Unlike the others, he didn't smell of alcohol so much and was completely in the state of his mind. 

"Umm, okay," Noelle replied, turning around and looking at the empty road, silently praying, that a taxi would come.

"Why are you here anyway?" He asked and without doubt, Noelle could sense a hint of concern in his voice. "It's cold and dark and lonely here." 

"I am hoping to catch a taxi here, because I need a ride home." 

She could feel Martijn hesitating a bit to reply, but he finally said it, "I can give you a ride home, I also need to show you something." 

"Okay," she exhaled and followed him to his car. She didn't say goodbye to anyone, just decided to send a quick text to Zac, telling him, that she left with another friend. At least, he won't worry that way. 

They got into Martijn's car and he started the engine. A fast and very catchy song began playing on the radio. It sounded a bit similar to the piece of their song and Noelle guessed, that the genre was EDM as well. She bobbed her head to the music, as Martijn's car exited the driveway. 

"What did you want to show me?" Noelle asked, not wanting to bear with the silence. 

"I've been thinking about our song quite a lot," Martijn replied, keeping his gaze fully on the road. "About the words, the melody and everything else. Well, mostly about the words." 

"To be honest, I didn't think about them yet," Noelle said, quietly. 

"I think it should be something about animals," Martijn explained. "My friend gave me a recording of his voice, where he is saying we are the fucking animals. I think it will go quite well with the drop."

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