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Chapter 14



It was raining outside. Heavy droplets were hitting on the glass windows and the roof loudly, creating a rhythm of their own. Although there wasn't any wind, it felt as though the trees might fall down. The droplets were heavy, making small splashes, as they hit the grey, wet pavement. 

However, it was warm and cosy inside Noelle's home. The lights were already on due to the lack of sunshine, creating a soft glow. Raging weather couldn't defeat the Aldersteins' good mood which was kept up, no matter what. Bad weather was never a problem, especially for Noelle. 

Steam rose from the mugs filled with tea. There was a pleasant scent present in the kitchen, where all of them were gathered around the round table. It smelled of spices and carrots, though it wasn't surprising, because Noelle and Alfred managed to make a delicious carrot cake, which they were devouring with tea. 

It was silent, but nobody minded - it was that silence that everyone enjoyed, the silence that was comforting. On the table, there were small plates set in front of each member of the family; a large cake in the middle, which Elena was carefully cutting into pieces; tea-mugs and a teapot set in the middle. 

"I hope it didn't get too burnt," Noelle commented, giving Elena her plate. After all, Elena was the chef of the family and although they somehow managed to bake a good-looking, fine-smelling and not-too-burnt carrot cake, there was a little bit of worry in Noelle's mind, that something might've gone wrong with the cake. 

"Oh, don't you worry about it," Alfred grinned at Noelle, who was already tasting it. Actually, it was the best cake that she'd ever made. The taste was amazing - a mixture of sweet carrots and spices, just as she liked it. It wasn't too sweet, making it taste so much better than the usual carrot cakes people would buy in a bakery. 

"Oh my god," Noelle exclaimed, her mouth half-stuffed with the delicious cake. Nobody cared that it was raining outside - why care, when there's cake and tea inside? 

"What?" Elena asked, narrowing her eyes. She put the fork down. 

"Quick," Noelle replied, "taste the cake." 

Elena took the fork, cutting a piece of cake and putting it into her mouth. Alfred proceeded to do the same. After a few moments of silence, which were only filled with the clinking of forks against the ceramic plates. 

"So?" Raising one eyebrow, Noelle stared at both of her parents. 

"It's good," Elena said, as though she was trying to be careful and not hurt anybody's feelings. Alfred and Noelle stared at her, hoping that she would say more. And she did, "I'm surprised, guys. This is a tasty cake." 

"Yay, mom approves!" Noelle shouted and got up, jumping up and down, pretending she was a little child. Alfred and Elena both chuckled. Noelle sat back down, putting the strands of her hair away from her face. 

The talked about the weather, sipping their tea and eating the cake. Then, they talked about school. Then, about the weather again and how it felt like the roof might be torn away by the strong winds. Then, Noelle accidentally brought up Eindhoven, so they talked about that. 

Actually, Noelle didn't miss home at all. What was there that she would want to miss? Her old teachers, that she despised? Or maybe the beautiful landscapes of the city, that she saw every single day. At least in Amsterdam, the views weren't always the same. There was always something different every time she went to the city.

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