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Two hours to go! Just two hours left!
Niall was finally coming home from the TMH tour and I missed him like crazy!

I kept looking down to my phone, every three minutes, checking for a text from Niall saying they got in early but I never got it.

"Sarah," Brynn spoke up to me, "you've been on your phone all night!"

"Put it away!" Devin, Brynn's boyfriend, yelled at me.

"But what if Niall-"

"Niall! Niall! Niall!" Ben mocked my voice and snatched my phone.

Ben was a close friend of mine, probably my best friend, some people said he liked me but I don't think so.

Brynn, Devin, Ben, and I had all been together the entire day.
The plan was for me to pick up Niall, and the boys, from the airport and all come back for a small get together at the barn.

After Niall left for tour, Ben helped me make the barn more of a place to hang out.

"Ben!" I shouted reaching back for my phone "give it!"

"Sarah." Brynn whined

I gave up and let Ben keep my phone away from me.
Ben traveled to the open spot next to me on the couch and swung his arm around me.

•••BENS POV•••

"So when's Niall getting in?" devin asked.

"About two hours." Sarah's smile purked

As adorable as her smile was, I wish I was the reason for it.
I liked her and everyone knew but her.
I'm a little worried because I'll be meeting her world famous, one direction, boy band member boyfriend for the first time tonight.

I remember I almost asked her out but then I heard about Niall.
That was a good waste of a perfect rose.

I was deep in thought.
I make it pretty obvious that I like Sarah and I don't always notice. It just kinda happens.
What if Niall notices. I don't want to start a fight.

"Ben!" I was brought back to reality when Sarah snapped in my face.

"Sorry." I gutted out "I was just thinking."


"You." brynn answered for me

Brynn and Devin both laughed just a little.

"Shut up." Sarah protested, "Ben and I are just friends."

Sarah wrapped her arms around me, giving me a completely joking, friendly, hug.

She had friend zoned me and it was obvious.


I hastily stood from my airplane seat.
I told Sarah I wouldn't be home for another two hours just so I could surprise her.

The boys and I waited by baggage claim for our bags.
The airport was empty with the exception of some fans.

Our stuff was at the start of the conveyer belt. I ran to get my bags.

"Come on guys hurry up!" I jumped

They were all moving so slow.
I ran outside, the car was already waiting for us.
The car ride seemed to last an entire hour! meanwhile it was really only 20 minutes.


Devin and I were sat on the couch with Ben and Sarah on the couch across from us.
Ben kept his arm on sarah's shoulders.
There was no space between them.
Ben and Sarah were so cute together, but Sarah belonged with Niall.

We were all just talking and laughing.
I saw a blur of a person go by the open door way behind Ben and Sarah's couch.
Then I heard a branch crack, someone was out there.

"What's wrong?" devin asked me.

"I'll be right back." I got up and headed outside.
I walked over the the left side of the barn. A hand yanked me over to the side and covered my mouth.
I was startled at first until I realized who it was.

"Niall!" I pulled him in for a hug.

"Hey." He whispered with a hug back.

"I thought you guys weren't getting in for another hour at least."

"I wanted to surprise Sarah."

"Aww that's cute."

"Who all is in there?"

"Me, sarah, my boyfriend devin, and our friend Ben."


A few minutes later brynn came back from inside and took her seat next to devin again.

"Was something out there?" I asked

"No... just an animal."

Just then my phone buzzed. I pulled it out and opened my twitter notification.

"DEVIN!" I shot up from my seat.

There was a picture of Ben and I, it was clearly just taken. the picture made me realize how close we really were. The photo was captioned "D8!!!"

"Let me see." Ben said taking my phone.
I saw his cheeks turn pink.

Brynn pulled her phone out only to retweet devin.

"Don't act like you don't like it Ben!" brynn joked.

"Nahh," bens arm tightened around me "Sarah's just a friend."


I was about to go in when I saw a scary sight. Another guy with his arm around my girl!

I instantly went inside.
I ran up behind her and wrapped my arms around her from behind.


Two strong arms were wrapped around me, spinning me around.
When my feet were placed back to the floor I turned around to see Niall!
My face lit up.

"NIALL YOUR HERE!" I pulled him in for a tight hug then a kiss.

•••BENS POV•••

So this is Niall.
Sarah really did look happy with him.

Sarah turned around to face the rest of us.

"Niall," Sarah started "this is devin, brynn's boyfriend." They shook hands.

"And who's this?" Niall gestured to me.
Sarah walked over to my side and slightly placed an arm around me.

"This is one if my best friends Ben."

Naturally I paled my arm around her shoulders.
I quickly removed it when niall's jaw clenched.
We shook hands, he had a tight, painful, squeeze.
I already knew we wouldn't be friends and we would have to pretend for Sarah.

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