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"Something I need to ask you actually." Niall said while nervously shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Ok." I anxiously waited. Oh how I prayed it wouldn't be purposing.

"Well, umm." He lost my eye contact and nervously scratched at the back of his head. He loosened the bow tie around his neck. What could possibly make him react like this?

"Niall," I placed my hand on his shoulder, slightly calming him, "just say it."
"Ok." He huffed "I got a lease on an apartment." He started.
I mentally became excited, if this was going where I think it is.
"It's got 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a nice kitchen and enough room for a kitchen table and somewhere for a TV and a couch or two. It's a great place and surly big enough. And I'd really like someone to share it with?" His final sentence becoming a question.

I smirked and just shook my head and took him in for a hug.
"Why where you so nervous to ask me that?"
"I don't know." Niall shrugged, "I guess I thought you would think we're too young or something like that."

I pulled him in for a kiss. "I'd love to."
Niall smiled as wide as his lips could and again pulled in for a kiss.


I woke to a bright sun shining through the thin white curtains of the hotel room. I turned on my side to see Niall on his phone. His eyes shifted to me on his side.

"Morning, babe." He turned his body and placed a kiss to my head.
"Morning." I responded. "I don't want to leave." I sighed knowing we would be going home today.
"I know." Niall also sighed, taking my small hand in his.
"It's just... perfect here."
"It can be perfect in Dublin too."
I looked to him as he continued "as long as we're together." He finished and got up from the fluffy duvet.
I flounced over to my stomach and expanded out to cover the entire mattress.
"Come on, get up." Niall ordered. I groaned before rolling off the bed.
"Damn babe!" Niall hollered. "Warn a guy when you're walking around in those shorts!"
I laughed at his comment on my Victoria secret yoga shorts. I continued into the bathroom to brush my hair and teeth. As I walked out two arms encased me from behind. Niall rested his chin on my shoulder.
"What ever happened to later?" Niall playfully questioned.

•• " I could fuck you so hard right now." "Later."••

I turned my body in his arms to face him. I wrapped my arms around his neck. One hand holding behind his neck and the other twisting with his blonde while he leaned his lips in closed to mine.
"Guess it's later." I tried to sound seductive.
Niall bent down slightly and picked me up from under my knees. My back was pressed to the wall as we kissed at each other's opened mouths. Soon enough Niall carried me over to the bed where our cloths were quickly removed. And the rest is history.


Niall and I strolled down the beautiful streets of Paris, admiring the newly bloomed flowers of vibrant colors. The cool breeze which blew the sweet smell of freshly baked bread from the bakery just down a block. With a clear, sunny, blue sky above head, who would want to ever leave this perfect place?
My attention averted back to Niall when his hand tightened around mine as he slightly tugged my arm to turn.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"You'll see."
I never fail to wonder why I continue to ask.
Just a turn around the corner and we found ourselves at a shoreline with a minimal amount of people. There was a large dock with boats both big and small. All kinda of boats; paddle, engine, fishing and more.
Niall walked to the ticket booth and handed the man a slip of paper. We walked down the wooden panels and then up a small ramp which lead to a boat which was I believe two stories. It wasn't huge but quite big at the same time. The boat only had a few other people on board. I didn't question, just followed Niall walking along side the rail. We reached the front of the boat and it began to move in the blue waters.
Niall and I sat, taking in the sun, along two lounge chairs. I opened my shut eyes to see Niall peacefully relaxing in the warmth of the day. I stood and moved to the rail of the very front of the boat. I looked off the the far out land we passed. The city of Paris even more stunning from a distance.
Then, two arms wrapped around me. Niall's hands grabbing hold of mine and his lips pressing to my cheek.
"I don't want to leave." I told him.
"I know baby. I know." He calmly whispered into my ear and planted another soft kiss to my skin. His lips kissed down my neck and to my shoulder.
He rested his chin on my shoulder, "I wish we could stay here forever."
I smiled, but said "Forever is a long time."
"I know." I've never heard him so calm, "but I'd spend it with you."
I wondered if he could feel my heart flutter at his words. I turned my head and pecked a kiss to his face. Niall's hands slid to my hips as he turned my body to face his. I draped my arms around his neck. Chests and foreheads touching.
"I love you." I said.
He smiled, "I love you too."
Our lips connected and the sparks have yet to even lessen.
A cool breeze began, sending shivers down my bare skin.
"Here." Niall pulled his varsity jacket over my shoulders. I slipped my arms in the large arms of the jacket. Naturally my hands found there way to the pockets. However, inside I felt a small box of some kind.
"What's this?" I questioned pulling it out to reveal a small black box.
Niall's eyes slightly grew. He snatched the box from my hold.
"Hey!" I hollered, reaching for it but failed. "What is it?"
"Nothing." He joked and hid the box behind his back.
"Niall." I whined.
He stepped closer, "Lets just say I went to Jared."

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