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Again I cried. But not from fear.

I got up and walked over to her standing in my door. I wrapped her in my arms, tight to my body. I kissed her head and cried my tears of joy.

"Please tell me I'm not dreaming." I cupped her face.

"No. No, Niall it's me. It's really me." Sarah smiled.

"God." I again pulled her tight in my embrace, "I thought you died." I teared in her hair.

"I'm not leaving you.. I promise." She soothed.
Sarah pulled back and took my face in her palm, her thumb gliding away the tears,
"Its ok, Niall." She calmed, "I'm right here. I'm ok."

"I thought I was gunna loose you." I gushed.

"You'll never loose me." She looked into my wet eyes. Sarah planted a kiss to my cheek and remained close to me.

"I love you." She whispered planting small kissed to my neck.

"I love you too." I stroked her hair between my fingers.

"Let's go to bed, yeah?" she suggested.
Time seemed to have slipped away from me, it was already night fall. It's hard to focus on such a thing when all you can find yourself thinking about is the life or death of the one you love.
I pulled off my clothing until I was left in only my boxers. I smirked, watching Sarah shake off her shorts and pull her shirt over her head to be replaced by spandex and a loos shirt, what she normally wore to sleep. She turned around to see my eyes fixed on her.

"What?" she asked.

"Nothing," I smiled, "just happy you're here."

I was so afraid I would end up losing her to this.
I shifted to one side of the bed and pulled the blanket back for Sarah to climb under. She laid down on her side while facing me, I placed the covers over her. Her hand found mine, she fiddled with my fingers while I just watched her in such content.

"Sarah?" I spoke.

"Hmm?" She hummed.

"I want you to know that.. I didn't want to leave the hospital." I sat up, "I was told I couldn't stay. I would never have left your side if I didn't have to."

"I know." She smiled up at me.

"I wish I could have stayed." I mumbled.

"I do too." Sarah whispered. "Before I went into operation they asked me if I had any questions... I asked why you weren't there."

"You did?"

"I-I was worried that something would g-go wrong. I wanted y-you to be the last thing I-I would remember b-before." Her eyes began to water, "I was so scared, Niall." Suddenly Sarah was sobbing on my chest.


Every tear I had held back since the day I entered the hospital all came crashing down. The fear inside me has built up and needed out. Although I'm fine now, it still was just waiting to break free. I couldn't hold it back. I clung to Niall and cried on his warm skin.

"I was so scared. You weren't there!" I blubbered.
It's all that was going through my head.
"You weren't there." I whispered.
"You weren't there." I repeated it over and over.

Niall wasn't there when all I wanted was him.

"I know baby, I'm sorry." He stroked my hair. "I wish I was."

"I t-thought you left me there b-because I would die." I looked up to him.

"No! I would never just leave you! Please don't ever think that."

I only nodded.

"Sarah, I would never!" he assured me, "I love you so, so much!" he wrapped his arms firmly around me.

"I was so scared." I whimpered.

"I'll never leave you, ever again... I promise."

I calmed, tears stopped, while quietly listening to the beating of his heart against my ear.
Silence took over. We just sat. I laying on top of his chest, our legs overlapping, his arms around me and mine around him. I looked up to him and rested my chin on his chest. He smiled at me.

"You're so beautiful." He whispered while pushing my hair out of my face. He moved his lips closer and kissed his lips to my head. I smiled. My lips planted a soft kiss on his bare chest.


Night lagged on, eventually my eyes fell shut. Sarah hadn't moved a muscle in at least an hour, I assumed she was sleeping by now.
I opened my eye after a light doze but saw it was still dark. I woke up to Sarah still comfortably fit on my chest. My eyes shifted to the clock to read 1:05AM. I close my eyes but no sleep came. But then, I felt Sarah shift under the covers. She took in a deep breath and let it out. I chose to keep quiet, wondering what was keeping her up. She began to draw shapes on my chest with her finger. She often did that when she had something on her mind. Again she let out a sigh.

"What is it babe?" I asked, startling her.

"Huh?" she asked.

"What's keeping you up?" I sat up on my elbows.

"Nothing. Just not tired." She shrugged, getting up from on top of me.

"Ok then." I grabbed her hips and pulled her to straddle me.

"What are you doing?" she laughed.

"If you're not sleeping, I'm not sleeping."

After all, I hadn't seen her in a few days. Spending time with her is all I wanted at this point.


"So now what?" I asked.

"I don't know." Niall shrugged under me.
I slumped my shoulders and looked to the clock. I couldn't make out the time without glasses it contacts.
My eyes shit back to Niall when he said,
"We could sneak out."

"What?" I asked confused.

"Just go somewhere."


"Why not?"

"Ok. Sure." I agreed and climbed off. I began to pull off my spandex and slipped into my soccer sweats.
Niall came behind me and took my hands away from the hem of my shirt before I could pull it off.

"I got it." He whispered into my ear and continued to undress me.
He dropped the shirt to my floor and placed his warm hands on my stomach. He kissed down my neck, with soft lips, until he reached my shoulder.

"God, I love you." He said against my skin.
I turned in his arms. My hand took behind his neck and pulled his lips to mine. Niall held his hands to the small of my back, keeping my body close. I pulled my lips away and rested my head on his shoulder. I kissed his smooth skin.
Niall pulled me back and brushed his hands up an down my arms.

"Let's get going, yeah?" He said.
I nodded and slipped into a shirt.
Niall dressed.
Next thing I knew Niall was helping me climb over my balcony and down the the ground.

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