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Brynn and Liam were official and inseparable!
As adorable as their relationship was I missed my boyfriend.
He had been away dealing with some family issues. I know it sounds selfish but I missed sleeping with him. I missed his hugs and kissed and I needed to be with him.
I stood at the doorframe of my balcony starring into his empty room across from mine. Wondering when he would be back.
Just as I thought that I turned around to face my room to see his face inches from mine. I instantly smiled.

"Hey babe." He smiled.
I felt the butterflies erupt at him calling me babe.
"Miss me?" he asked.

"Nahh." I joked with him.

"Oh really?" Niall raised his eyebrows. His hands crept to under my thighs to lift me from the ground, holding me above him. I held my hands on his shoulders and looked down at him.
"You sure?" he asked looking up at me.

"Yup." I popped the p and the end.
Niall's grip loosened as he allowed me to wrap my legs around him as he pushed against my wall. His lips began to kiss at my neck, slightly sucking. I couldn't help but tangle with his hair just a little bit when he slightly squeezed my thighs. His lips found my weak spot making me let out a small whimper. His kisses traveled up to my lips and pecked over and over again until we were snogging.
Niall took me away from the wall and threw me onto the bed. I laid flat on my back and Niall climbed over to hover above me.

"I think you missed me." He winked.

"Maybe just a little."

"I have something for you." Niall smiled down at me. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out to pieces of paper "two plane tickets to anywhere you want to go."

"Seriously?!" I asked with wide eyes.

"Yeah." He told me with a chuckle. "so where do you want to go?"

I got up from under him and started walking around the room. "Hawaii! no, New York! or Disney! Or- or-"

"What about Paris?" Niall suddenly suggested.

"Paris?" I repeated his words

"Yeah," he stood and pulled my body close to his and held both of my hands in his "you know, like, the city of love with the girl I love."

I still got butterflies when he told me he loved me.

"If you don't want to we can go somewhere else." Niall said with a shaking tone as he scratched the back of his head.

I stood in my tip toes and kissed his lips. "I like it." I said licking my lips.

"Paris? or kissing me?"

"Both." I answered pulling him down for another kiss.

"Get dressed." Niall interrupted our actions.

"What for?"

"The festival." he said it like I should have known we were going.

I dressed in jean short and a crop top and slid on my gray vans.

On our way, we stopped to pick up Harry and Bo. We arrived at the festival 30 minutes later and went on rides non-stop, with of course the exception of some fans asking for pictures and autographs.


I walked around with Sarah, hand in hand, until she pulled me to a stop and went to a large stage with somewhat of a line and a crowd surrounding the front.

"What's this?" I asked

"Kareoke! let's do it!" Sarah begged.

"Sure, babe." We got in line to sign up.
More people began to gather when the signing began.
Sarah and I were next. I felt like I was back on the x-factor.
We walked on stage and the crowd shouted when I waved out. It was times like this that it hit me that I'm famous. They shouted again when Sarah came on, then the music began.
I started the song.

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